Game of Thrones (TV Show) Season 4 Discussion

I will try to do a recap of the finale, but i'm still managing the flood of content from E3. So stay tuned.
I hope my mom and I weren't the only ones who immediately loaded up a wiki and map for the series, to explain... well, pretty much everything about that final scene with Arya. xD I mean, how in seven hells are we supposed to remember that crap from back in season two, from a character we hardly even saw much of to begin with?

I'm a little afraid to see what will become of The Mountain. The way the guy said the procedure would "change" him, and specified that it wouldn't weaken him... What, is it going to make him into even more of a brutish monster than he already is? D:

As for The Hound, I'd hate to see him go. He's clearly in pretty bad shape, but with Arya choosing not to kill him then and there, it seems like he's left with the choice of whether or not to build up the willpower to survive. With that said, I'd certainly like to see him do so. While he's got this terrible reputation, he seems to be one of the more sensible characters in the series, and dare I say one of the more humane (when he wants to be? lol). Not to mention downright amusing at times.

Frankly, I won't be happy unless I can see Sandor kill Gregor, or at least just have some form of epic showdown with him. I'm sure I won't be given that satisfaction, but a man can hope, heh...
I hope my mom and I weren't the only ones who immediately loaded up a wiki and map for the series, to explain... well, pretty much everything about that final scene with Arya. xD I mean, how in seven hells are we supposed to remember that crap from back in season two, from a character we hardly even saw much of to begin with?

I'm a little afraid to see what will become of The Mountain. The way the guy said the procedure would "change" him, and specified that it wouldn't weaken him... What, is it going to make him into even more of a brutish monster than he already is? D:

As for The Hound, I'd hate to see him go. He's clearly in pretty bad shape, but with Arya choosing not to kill him then and there, it seems like he's left with the choice of whether or not to build up the willpower to survive. With that said, I'd certainly like to see him do so. While he's got this terrible reputation, he seems to be one of the more sensible characters in the series, and dare I say one of the more humane (when he wants to be? lol). Not to mention downright amusing at times.

Frankly, I won't be happy unless I can see Sandor kill Gregor, or at least just have some form of epic showdown with him. I'm sure I won't be given that satisfaction, but a man can hope, heh...
Game of thrones is a very detailed series. Some people can show up the ones from season 1, never be seen again, then just reappear again, e.g. Biter.

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