GDC'14: PlayStation's Project Morpheus Presentation Pics

Dan Oravasaari

PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
Today, at GDC '14 Sony unveiled Project Morpheus, a PlayStation 4 VR unit still in development that is looking to not only expand the way we play, but to usher in a whole new experience. Here are some pics from the event.

*The 3rd pic is from a VR demo of God of War.

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I'm on the fence right now. I'll have to get some hands (err.. heads?) on before I can make a judgement call. Hopefully I'll get to try it out over the next 3 days.
I'm on the fence right now. I'll have to get some hands (err.. heads?) on before I can make a judgement call. Hopefully I'll get to try it out over the next 3 days.
Let me know what you think bro. Doubt I would ever get it personally, but the concept is cool.
I certainly hope the glasses style isn't the norm. Isn't quite a virtual reality if I can see the real world in my peripheral vision.
that's really cool but im gonna wait until some Sword art Online stuff until i just to virtual reality xD

Wait a second bro. I don't think we should do that, don't want to get stuck inside it with no way to escape.
Wait a second bro. I don't think we should do that, don't want to get stuck inside it with no way to escape.

I'm kind of excited about that prospect, actually. Going on an epic two year journey to fight for my life in a seemingly real virtual environment sounds a tad be fun to me. But I'm not exactly standard in my way of thinking.

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