Bad Gamers Ep. 69: Let's Fighting Love


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
This week, @Dan Oravasaari and @Chandler Wood talked about how the Vita is spiraling out of control, Chandler's hygiene, and how awesome E3 is going to be this year with the prospect of Morpheus potentially playing a role. I didn't talk about Morpheus because I'm feeling cautiously pessimistic about in the short term.

Soggy Bottom Boys

Buy diapers.

Vita 64GB
Maybe there is some sort of holdup with regulatory authorities or some giggity like that. My other idea is the obvious, "E3 is soon," business. If you bombard the market with too much shit at once, it isn't going to sell well. Let's anticipate these cards for later this year. The "market is bad" scenario doesn't add up, because they could seriously just produce a short stock of them for us and release them in test markets for a period of time.

The Vita was originally released with a particular market in mind, and the sales were well on track (despite being abysmal) during the months following its NA / EU release. My problem, though, is that they pumped out too many AAAs in such a short timeframe and forgot that the indies were supposed to be their bulky filler. Pair that with their shitty marketing and OOPS moments, and they kind of set up the Vita to primarily be set up for the casual market. Will Borderlands do anything for the Vita? I doubt it. The Vita is becoming a niche device like the PSP was, except the niche market being targeted is for people who like Monster Hunter (although, Ragnarok Odyssey / ACE and Soul Sacrifice / Delta are just Monster Hunter clones, rather than having the branding).

Destiny Awaits
$500,000,000 is a lot of money to put into a game. Selling those at $60 (not including collector's editions, if those exist), that would have to sell over 8.3 million copies just to break even. If it's showing that much promise, I would be incredibly impressed.

I haven't preordered the game because I was really hoping to get into a beta before pulling the trigger on that investment. If anyone has a beta code that they're not going to have time to play, I'll be available this July for a multiplayer killfest.

Also, having to play the single player to unlock online multiplayer is fucking brilliant. Kudos to them for making people learn the game before making the gamers get cluelessly murdered online. Seriously, that's awesome!

Call of Spacey: Advanced Dammit
Kevin Spacey? That's not what made the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer stand out to me. The game was shiny, had robot suits that didn't look like Gundams, and the story looked like it would be interesting. That's basically everything that Call of Duty never had. I might actually pick up my first Call of Duty title this year, instead of watching my jackass friends play it and lulzing over how stupid it looks compared to Halo, Gears, or even Killzone.

E3 Rumors
Rumor has it that I want to go to E3 ...

EA Battlefield Maybe?
I'm gonna pass on this. Bring on the Sims news so my wife can go nuts and blow hundreds of dollars on expansions again.

Uncharted, The Last of Us 2
The Last of Us (what I played of it before Beyond: Two Souls) was a lot of fun for me, but it hasn't stood out enough for me to go back and finish it yet. Uncharted 3 is still in my backlog, so I haven't really jumped onto the Naughty Dog hypetrain yet. Maybe greatness awaits, but I don't know?

Gran Turismo: Repackaged Edition

God of War
Santa Monica needs to give us a good game. Period. I'm looking for a Norse God of War game with a new protagonist and Kratos being an optional boss.

I've never played Syphon Filter

With SCE Liverpool being gone, it's cool to seeing someone else pick it up and run with it. I would give it a shot, but my best experience with the game was on Vita, not PS3. I'm not really anxious about seeing this for PS4.

Quantic Dream
Their big announcement after Brave Little Toaster PS4 is going to be a remaster of Beyond: Two Souls. They're going to call it Beyond: Two Soul - Chandler's Rage.

Ninja Theory PS Exclusive
Heavenly Sword 2 on PS4 with a Vita side-scroller being released would be cool. I'm thinking a Vita game in the vein of Bloodrayne Betrayal would be awesome. Lego Heavenly Sword would be awesome, too.

What is AAA?
AAA titles are games with a high budget. Draw the line where you will, but I think it depends on the size of the company. If Muteki Corp spends $200,000 on a game, I would call that AAA. If EA spends over $1 million on a game, I would call that AAA. I think it really depends on the company size and relative budget. For Sony London: I'm thinking $1 million +.

Media Molecule
I don't care what it is. I want it today. If it isn't LittleBigPlanet or a Morpheus title, I still don't care. I want to play what it is that they're making.

Guerilla Games RPornG
GG are making an S/M-filled space RPG. A pornographic Game of Thrones game is totally acceptable, too. Bring the dragon-birthing!

Second Son DLC

Project Beast
Yes!!!! If the leaker is a liar - they deserve to be the protagonist in that game.

The Last Guardian
Winter is coming. Optionally, Chandler's "On Sale Now" announcement would be badass. They could do it like Sega did with the Genesis, and just have it shipped without telling anyone, or they could even be like, "It's going on the PSN tomorrow. You can preload today!"

Drive Club
More yawns.

Monster Rancher? I could get into that. Let's do that.

Here it, @Chandler Wood! I've done my ambassadorial duties for the longest podcast I've ever heard. Now that I'm getting predictable, here's a nice picture:
I'm impressed yet again, though lots of Yawns this time around... To be fair, Dan and I yawned at most of those annoucnements... errr... RUMORS, as well.
I'm impressed yet again, though lots of Yawns this time around... To be fair, Dan and I yawned at most of those annoucnements... errr... RUMORS, as well.

An 11-month-delayed racing game, a PS franchise that I don't really like, and another racing game that is filled with loads and loads of car geekdom (not my thing either) are well worth yawns to me. However, that Brave Little Toaster game from Quantic Dream sounds phenomenal!
An 11-month-delayed racing game, a PS franchise that I don't really like, and another racing game that is filled with loads and loads of car geekdom (not my thing either) are well worth yawns to me. However, that Brave Little Toaster game from Quantic Dream sounds phenomenal!

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