hatsune miku project diva f


PSLS Level: Bronze
It was a big hit in japan, but having said that the western music is quite different to JPOP music.
any details about the game to inform other gamers would be helpful?
were the songs in english/japanese/both
how responsive is the game
dlc details
did you like the songs (was the song genre tiring)
It was a big hit in japan, but having said that the western music is quite different to JPOP music.
any details about the game to inform other gamers would be helpful?
were the songs in english/japanese/both
how responsive is the game
dlc details
did you like the songs (was the song genre tiring)

I have it on ps3,
the game can be very challenging, the songs are great
it's an imported game so the songs are in Japanese and VERY fun to listen too as well as very catchy.
luckily since they decided to bring it to the west, everything but the songs themselves is in English.
on the ps3 the game is EXTREMELY responsive
dlc: costumes, extra characters, and extra songs
as for the songs, i loved them, and if you can't pull yourself away from the norm of western music then you won't like music from ANY country. plus their music isn't any different then ours. same thing.

i have the second one coming to me, which is an import only at the moment, i'm definitely gonna have some fun with it.
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I've put quite a few hours into the PS3 version, simply because I'm a sucker for rhythm games. The songs are catchy and the game is easy to grasp and extremely difficult to master, if you have a PS3 you should download the demo to see if it would interest you. In fact, the demo is really the best way to judge if you'll like the music in the game, as the 3 demo songs are completely different stylistically.

I haven't touched any of the other features of the game (decorating your singer's living space, interacting with them, etc). They make me uneasy for some reason.
it's one of the games I got a platinum on, I dare not try it's hardest difficulty though mainly because of the last song on the list. where they show her playing on a psp.
I've put quite a few hours into the PS3 version, simply because I'm a sucker for rhythm games. The songs are catchy and the game is easy to grasp and extremely difficult to master, if you have a PS3 you should download the demo to see if it would interest you. In fact, the demo is really the best way to judge if you'll like the music in the game, as the 3 demo songs are completely different stylistically.

I haven't touched any of the other features of the game (decorating your singer's living space, interacting with them, etc). They make me uneasy for some reason.

i downloaded the demo, they have three songs to try. those songs are great and catchy but it's just too girly for me. but i will definitely get it once it goes on sale.
i downloaded the demo, they have three songs to try. those songs are great and catchy but it's just too girly for me. but i will definitely get it once it goes on sale.

if you played the full game, you'll see that isn't the case.
I can't articulate it exactly, it's just that I feel that I'm not exactly in the demographic for those modes. Metalheads in their mid-to-late 20s have no desire to hang out and play house with a teenage virtual pop star, lol

and her several male and female friends
I can't articulate it exactly, it's just that I feel that I'm not exactly in the demographic for those modes. Metalheads in their mid-to-late 20s have no desire to hang out and play house with a teenage virtual pop star, lol
Metalheads prey on pop stars, what kind of metalhead are you?! XD
As someone who owns both versions, I can explain the differences and other information on the game.

Song Language: every song is in Japanese with some random english words tossed in for some reason. The song DYE is in English with a few Japanese lines (vice-versa for the win)

Responsiveness: The game is very responsive on both versions, BUT you have to manually sync the audio desync manually, which can potentially get really tedious.

DLC: The PS3 version only has 2 module/costume packs (extra characters and Snow Miku 2013) and the vita version has the 6 songs and their respective costumes that are labeled as "extra" in the PS3 version. The two costume DLCs are also cross-buy.

Price: the Vita version is cheaper than the Ps3 version, but the Ps3 version already has the song DLC, cleaner graphics (expected), and an easier to handle control style (bigger buttons and use control sticks instead of swiping on the screen for star notes).

As for whether I liked the songs or not, it left an amazing impression on me (even better since I went into this game knowing nothing about vocaloids, Miku, etc. other than memes) and I love the music a lot. The music sounded a bit like something you would find here in America in the Indie variety, other than the Japanese language.

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