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Hello, everyone I'm Ryan Epod a little bit about myself i've been a "Core" gamer basically my whole life starting way back on NES and SNES my first Playstation was one of the greatest things of my childhood Lol ill never forget my time with Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VIII and IX and probably my personal favorite game of all time Final Fantasy VII i was also a big fan of Xenogears if anyone remembers that cult classic Playstation 2 was probably when i turned into a true core gamer many many hours spent with that machine then for awhile i switched to PC gaming after three Xbox 360's red ringed on me and in all honest I like the PS3 but it didn't wow me but the PS4 has been Sony's redemption in my eyes i couldn't way for that system to come out and couldn't be happier to own it. besides gaming i've also been a member of the Denver Punk Scene since 2000 and i'm still heavily involved though my mohawks and stuff are things of the past. I love computers i'm a long time Linux user and truly hate anything microsoft i use to develop for Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, and did some work on Debian ( Potato Lol ) i work with Chrome O.S. ( and Chromium O.S. ) i believe it's the best commercial Linux to date and is excellent exposure for how Linux operates with simplicity anyway's thats about it for me my PSN username is RyanEpod feel free to add me if you want. anyways nice meeting you girls and guys when i do
Welcome Epod_86x64! Do you have any experience with creating iOS / Android apps? I know an awesome PlayStation website that could use one :D
Hello, everyone I'm Ryan Epod a little bit about myself i've been a "Core" gamer basically my whole life starting way back on NES and SNES my first Playstation was one of the greatest things of my childhood Lol ill never forget my time with Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VIII and IX and probably my personal favorite game of all time Final Fantasy VII i was also a big fan of Xenogears if anyone remembers that cult classic Playstation 2 was probably when i turned into a true core gamer many many hours spent with that machine then for awhile i switched to PC gaming after three Xbox 360's red ringed on me and in all honest I like the PS3 but it didn't wow me but the PS4 has been Sony's redemption in my eyes i couldn't way for that system to come out and couldn't be happier to own it. besides gaming i've also been a member of the Denver Punk Scene since 2000 and i'm still heavily involved though my mohawks and stuff are things of the past. I love computers i'm a long time Linux user and truly hate anything microsoft i use to develop for Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, and did some work on Debian ( Potato Lol ) i work with Chrome O.S. ( and Chromium O.S. ) i believe it's the best commercial Linux to date and is excellent exposure for how Linux operates with simplicity anyway's thats about it for me my PSN username is RyanEpod feel free to add me if you want. anyways nice meeting you girls and guys when i do
Welcome to the fold and enjoy your stay!

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