If this is real, I'm going to rescind my Nintendo hiatus.

Yeah, and if you bothered to read replies, you would have seen that has already been brought up.

Well now, there is no sense in being a jackass about it. Guess I could've said that in a more pleasant manner. But excuse me for missing that there was a second page. As far as I was aware at the time it was but one page of responses.
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Are we really screaming like girls about a Castlevania game and calling it a system seller?
Well now, there is no sense in being a jackass about it. Guess I could've said that in a more pleasant manner. But excuse me for missing that there was a second page. As far as I was aware at the time it was but one page of responses.

Uh, your post started page two. Look over the thread again.
Look at the terrible artifacts that are cropping up on that image from a bad photoshop- job being re-shared over and over as a jpeg... haha
What else is funny is that this is a photoshop job, when it would be simple to use a program like Word to create this, print it out, and then take a picture of it...

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