Lizard Squad is coming?


PSLS Level: Bronze
I hear Lizard Squad is doing it again this year.

Saying that they are DDOSing because of a lack of cyber security.

Can someone tell them please that a DDOS is possible BECAUSE OF SECURITY not a lack thereof?

Basically a DDOS is when a server is hit with more requests than it can handle. So imagine a whole bunch of sheep walking down a freeway. Not across, but down it.

You can expand the width of the freeway but that doesn't make it safer or more secure in any way shape or form, and after the sheep get through you have no use for all that capacity.

It's like throwing eggs to protest that there are starving children in the world.
It's phantom squad this time. This annual ddos is just childish.

Sony is constantly updating their security, that why we get all the nondescript updates with no details.
So is this actually happening? PSN seems to have slowed to a crawl for me tonight, frequently failing to load anything at all. :|
So is this actually happening? PSN seems to have slowed to a crawl for me tonight, frequently failing to load anything at all. :|

Damn them! I hope they knock it off because I got my brother a download code for the Star Wars Classics 4 pack on PS4!
Seems like the only people affected by any type of meddling were new PSN users during their sign up process.
That's kinda what happened last year.

They did a DDOS that took down the services, and millions of people were trying to sign up, and millions were trying to sign on, so the PSN might have gone down last year without Lizard Squad but it was many times more worse because they were DDOSing.

You basically had probably 20 million people accidentally DDOSing the PSN (trying to sign up or in many times an hour) while Lizard squad was DDOSing.

So if I had to guess we didn't have much of an issue this year because the PS4 has been selling at such a rapid pace, (fastest console ever I think) that they probably had 2x as much capacity as they had last year.
We give guys like Lizard Squad way too much attention, DDOs attacks are easy to pull off. I mean it's treated like a heist when it's more like getting a group of people to block the entrance.
We give guys like Lizard Squad way too much attention, DDOs attacks are easy to pull off. I mean it's treated like a heist when it's more like getting a group of people to block the entrance.
Or it's like giving out candy to kids in front of a doorway.

The whole point of this thread was to warn people that their service might be disrupted, while also to counter act any of their messaging by explaining how stupid they are by arguing that DDOS is a security thing. When it's a bandwidth issue.
Or it's like giving out candy to kids in front of a doorway.

The whole point of this thread was to warn people that their service might be disrupted, while also to counter act any of their messaging by explaining how stupid they are by arguing that DDOS is a security thing. When it's a bandwidth issue.

Warning people about it is ok, it's always good to know why a service like the PSN isn't working but certain news outlets and websites treat guys like lizardsquad like master criminals and really they get off on that. LizardSquad are just assholes abusing a loophole to ruin everyone's day, meanwhile say what you want about Anonymous but at least those guys try to look like the good guys, they took down IS's facebook, twitter and youtube accounts something that's appreantly beyond Facebook, twitter and Google despite having legal ownership of the sites.

Yes that's right people, on top of sending women rape/death threats, planning riots and bullying you can also upload videos of you and your friends decapitating people.
Warning people about it is ok, it's always good to know why a service like the PSN isn't working but certain news outlets and websites treat guys like lizardsquad like master criminals and really they get off on that. LizardSquad are just assholes abusing a loophole to ruin everyone's day, meanwhile say what you want about Anonymous but at least those guys try to look like the good guys, they took down IS's facebook, twitter and youtube accounts something that's appreantly beyond Facebook, twitter and Google despite having legal ownership of the sites.

Yes that's right people, on top of sending women rape/death threats, planning riots and bullying you can also upload videos of you and your friends decapitating people.

Well to be fair... If Google Youtube and Twitter started taking down ISIS they'd have to start doing the same thing to all of the right wing conservative gun nut groups. It's the same reason why Republicans didn't vote to keep guns out of the hands of people on the terrorism watch list. According to a Think Progress article, and the Foundation for a New America the Right Wing is far more dangerous than Jihadi, so if you put Google, Facebook, Twitter in charge of going after terrorists, you won't end up with a happy ending.

LizardSquad they aren't even like Hacker Literate.

DDOS attacks are the lowest of the low attacks. The first time they attacked Sony most of the DDOS was coming from actual users sitting there trying to log in 100 times a minute. All they had to do was cause some instability and then you get 20-40 million people trying to log back in constantly and it's not pretty.

They argue they wanted to do it so people would spend time with their family on Christmas. What about people separated from their family and their Christmas IS playing games with their family online through the Playstation?
Well to be fair... If Google Youtube and Twitter started taking down ISIS they'd have to start doing the same thing to all of the right wing conservative gun nut groups

I'd be ok with that. The stuff those people come out with they need to be put in their place, it's funny watching right-wing Americans act like the biggest assholes on the planet and then throw a tantrum and be all "It's the PC bleeding heart liberals taking our freedoms!" when it isn't, to quote XKCD "It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole and they're showing you the door"

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