Morning Wood Ep. 056: The Last of Us and a Pirate Cat


PSLS Level: Bronze
Bah... I was going to post my comments in Disqus but since I was told to not be boring I'll just leave this here.

I don't like cats but I feel this cameo is going to lead to great things for Morgan.

For a while, I constantly passed on indie games. Mainly because the games I had the misfortune of playing were straight garbage. But thanks to steam, I've gotten to play a bunch of awesome indie titles. Hotline Miami was amazing. Knowing there are 1000+ devs out there working on games is kind of intriguing. I just wonder how many of those games are quality titles.

Initially, I didn't agree with @Chandler Wood's take on HD Remakes. Being someone who jumped ship from Microsoft this gen, I never got a chance to play any of the amazing ps3 titles that have been re-released for PS4. But the more I thought about it, the more I bought into his opinion. I like that I get to play The Last of Us "prettied up" but it doesn't outweigh the fact that the game is a fairly new title and doesn't need a remake so close to its initial launch. A re-release 3-4 years down the line, is acceptable. I'm not so big on them doing it to ease release lulls and to get "jumpers," like myself, to spend money on a remake that was just released last year. But that's business side of things. There's no way this flops, given the reputation of The Last of Us alone.

*Side note*
The Dive roll was pretty awesome. He got some distance on that sucker. Nice work @Darklingvladd
I'm waiting on your Dive Roll Chandler when the landscaping is finished.
Haha awesome! Thanks for starting the thread! I do see that TLOU coming to PS4 will be a great thing for anyone that didn't get to experience it on PS3 for whatever reason, but it's just hard for me personally to get excited for it. I'm stoked that you will get to experience it though!

Out of 1000 devs? I'm thinking at least one or two have to have some quality titles ;)
Out of 1000 devs? I'm thinking at least one or two have to have some quality titles ;)
The PixelJunk series from Q-Games really pushed me into trying out indie games after I tried PixelJunk Monsters on PS3 for the first time. Since then, I've been way less reluctant to try out stuff from small developers. One of their co-founders, Dylan Cuthbert (Twitter), is a pretty legendary developer (he did significant work on Star Fox for SNES and his team at Q-Games designed the XMB for PS3 after leaving Sony; I linked an article to his name), and his friendliness on Twitter also helped me to demystify the people that I've always idolized since I was a child, video game programmers.

And that's only one of these indie developers that have broken from larger companies and done something great. That being said, I'm elated to hear more from these other people who are doing the same kinds of things at present. If only 100 out those 1000 companies are able to do as well as Cuthbert has done with Q-Games, then I'll still think that these fluctuations in the developer community are worth it.
Out of 1000 devs? I'm thinking at least one or two have to have some quality titles ;)

That's not optimistic enough for me. I say we hope for at least double. There has got to be at least 4 devs out there capable of putting up some amazing work.

his friendliness on Twitter also helped me to demystify the people that I've always idolized since I was a child, video game programmers.

At what age did you discover that video game programmers existed? I honestly didn't know there was such a thing until late in high school.
At what age did you discover that video game programmers existed? I honestly didn't know there was such a thing until late in high school.
Sometime in the 90s when I was lucky enough to talk my parents into buying me an issue or two of GamePro or whatever other video game magazine was good at the time. While reading about more games or the people who made them wasn't always as fun as getting a new game, it was still much better than reading most of the other things that my friends were reading. :-D
Sometime in the 90s when I was lucky enough to talk my parents into buying me an issue or two of GamePro or whatever other video game magazine was good at the time. While reading about more games or the people who made them wasn't always as fun as getting a new game, it was still much better than reading most of the other things that my friends were reading. :-D

Jeez, I subbed to a couple magazines and I never once read an article. I was more of a "pretty pictures" type. But if you're going to read something, might as well make it something that you actually enjoy.
Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the praise guys. When I was taking tiekwondo and budutaijutsu, I use to practice distance and height with that roll before class. It morning wood requires more ninja goodness, I will oblige.

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