Murdered: Soul Suspect


PSLS Level: Silver
Has anyone tried out this new game by Square Enix? I am currently playing through it on my Xbox One and really enjoying it. It reminds me a bit of L.A. Noire with the crime scenes and clues, but a much darker story. The overall gameplay is very different as well with you being a ghost in the game, you can do a lot of cool things, but there are limitations.
@D'yani wrote a review of it and mentioned several interesting concepts that the game presents. Since her review painted the game up to be rather mediocre, I'm waiting to see somebody stream it first. The concept sounds interesting, but I'm curious about the gameplay and random nuances she brought up. The only one streaming right now is someone named Molly who is having trouble figuring out her streaming settings, so I'm still in the dark. :(
@D'yani wrote a review of it and mentioned several interesting concepts that the game presents. Since her review painted the game up to be rather mediocre, I'm waiting to see somebody stream it first. The concept sounds interesting, but I'm curious about the gameplay and random nuances she brought up. The only one streaming right now is someone named Molly who is having trouble figuring out her streaming settings, so I'm still in the dark. :(
I would but my internet sucks. :(
Overall the game is definitely not perfect, but I am finding it rather enjoyable at the moment. Looking forward to where the story takes things.
Just completed this game 1000/1000 on Xbox One. The game was far from perfect, but I really truly enjoyed it. The powers that you develop add quite a different approach to gaming that I have seen in a while. It's a really nice change of pace game. Is it worth the $59.99 price? That depends on what you are looking for in the game. If I had to pay for it again, I definitely would. Will it drop in price? Most likely. So if you are unsure, give it a bit till it drops in price. But at least give it a look when you get a chance, you may end up enjoying it. The story was pretty good overall, lots of extras to unlock, and add quite a bit to the story itself.
Just completed this game 1000/1000 on Xbox One. The game was far from perfect, but I really truly enjoyed it. The powers that you develop add quite a different approach to gaming that I have seen in a while. It's a really nice change of pace game. Is it worth the $59.99 price? That depends on what you are looking for in the game. If I had to pay for it again, I definitely would. Will it drop in price? Most likely. So if you are unsure, give it a bit till it drops in price. But at least give it a look when you get a chance, you may end up enjoying it. The story was pretty good overall, lots of extras to unlock, and add quite a bit to the story itself.
I'm definitely interested. Too bad we don't have PS4 games on the PS Now beta. :( haha
I'm waiting to see somebody stream it first. The concept sounds interesting, but I'm curious about the gameplay and random nuances she brought up.
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