Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee finally releasing on 12/16


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
According to PSNStores.com Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee will finally release on Tuesday December 16th.

I've enjoyed my time with Stranger's Wrath (still need to finish it), I may be picking this one up on Tuesday.

Things can change from now to Tuesday. It's happened in the past and will happen in the future. Any other Oddworld fans happy to finally be able to play this on the Vita?
Munch's Oddysee impressions from NeoGAF:
"Posted by JBourne

I wouldn't recommend Munch's Oddysee to anyone until a patch comes out. I can't advance past one of the beginning levels due to repeated crashes. Got a pixelated error message telling me my Vita was being powered off, but it wouldn't respond to anything. Had to boot it in safe mode. I tried again and it crashed in the exact same spot (activating the first vending machine).

Apparently I'm not the only one having this issue. Pretty bummed it was released in this state after waiting so long for it to hit the Vita. Hopefully JAW can work out the kinks, but for now it's unplayable."
I was really close to buying it too. I'm a fan of Stranger's Wrath and really wanted to pick this up. =/ Now I'm concerned about New n Tasty being unoptimized.

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