PlayStation Gold Wireless Headset Unboxing


PSLS Level: Silver
These shall be mine. Been looking for a good headset. Wondering how they compare to some of the Turtle Beach and Astro headsets.

Ah, those look great! I'm glad I held off on getting the Pulse Elites. I really, really want to get these, and if my wife had signed up for the forums yet I would be tagging her in this post as a *hint, hint*!
Ah, those look great! I'm glad I held off on getting the Pulse Elites. I really, really want to get these, and if my wife had signed up for the forums yet I would be tagging her in this post as a *hint, hint*!
Oh I agree. I came so close to getting the Pulse Elites. Definitely glad I held out. These look amazing.
I got mine yesterday and they are fantastic!!! I had the Pulse headset but these are way better.
I got mine yesterday and they are fantastic!!! I had the Pulse headset but these are way better.
How worth it is the rumble feature of the Pulse Elites? Does it make enough of a difference to give it an edge? Or if I am on the fence, should I just go for the Golds, so to speak?
How worth it is the rumble feature of the Pulse Elites? Does it make enough of a difference to give it an edge? Or if I am on the fence, should I just go for the Golds, so to speak?
See idk how I feel about something rumbling on my ears. Seems weird. But who knows, I thought a controller shaking was weird at first too with the Dualshock. I'll probably get the Golds though because the Xbox One official headset got announced yesterday as well.
How worth it is the rumble feature of the Pulse Elites? Does it make enough of a difference to give it an edge? Or if I am on the fence, should I just go for the Golds, so to speak?
For me personally I can't see the rumble feature being worth the extra cost. The Gold headset is by far the best headset I have ever owned. It is stupid light too. This model also folds up and comes with a nice little bag for carrying it with you or storing.
I have always felt that the rumble on the elites were a bit unnecessary, especially since everyone wants to preserve the life on wireless gadgets.

I am also curious to know how the Gold compares to other headsets. I keep getting asked about them, but don't really know much about them yet, since I haven't had a chance to try them myself. How is the soundstage ( aka. the ability to determine direction of sounds) ? How long is the battery life?
I have always felt that the rumble on the elites were a bit unnecessary, especially since everyone wants to preserve the life on wireless gadgets.

I am also curious to know how the Gold compares to other headsets. I keep getting asked about them, but don't really know much about them yet, since I haven't had a chance to try them myself. How is the soundstage ( aka. the ability to determine direction of sounds) ? How long is the battery life?
Battery life seems to be just as good as the original Pulse headset. I can't compare with the Pulse Elite as I don't own that headset. As far as soundstage, the Gold Headset is VERY accurate and also compares very well to the Pulse Headset. I have no trouble hearing vehicles and explosions in all directions while playing BF4. You can hear exactly which direction the gunfire is coming from. So far these are the perfect headset for PS4.
I was going to buy one of these last week, but there weren't any in stock at my local Best Buy. I bought the Pulse Elite instead, and I'm not sorry.

The BassImpact (vibrating) feature is pretty sweet, particularly for music on Music Unlimited (with PS4, I haven't tried it on my PS3 yet) and the ship battles in Assassin's Creed 4.

The only problem I've encountered so far is that there is currently no support for my Xperia Z. I thought Sony would have learned to integrate shit with their smartphones by now, but I'm obviously incorrect. Edit: You can use it with smartphones and the Vita via the 1/8" stereo connection, but turning it on to use the BassImpact feature renders it useless. You have to leave it in its passive state for compatibility.

I'm going to try it out with Outlast sometime soon, so I'll let you guys know how that goes. The surround sound is super immersive, so I'm looking forward to being scared pantless. For someone that has never owned a wireless headset, this is a must-buy. It changed everything for me.
Outlast scared me. And it did so about 20x more when I used the Golds. This is quite literally the best headset I've ever used and it is my first true wireless headset. I see no reason to go out and buy a third party one. Especially not one at $250+. Turtle Beach and all their competitors can kick rocks. Sony's Gold headset is the way to go on PlayStation 4.
Outlast scared me. And it did so about 20x more when I used the Golds. This is quite literally the best headset I've ever used and it is my first true wireless headset. I see no reason to go out and buy a third party one. Especially not one at $250+. Turtle Beach and all their competitors can kick rocks. Sony's Gold headset is the way to go on PlayStation 4.
Glad to hear that. I've been having issues with my Turtle Beach XP500's and have been looking into getting this headset since it's made for the PS4. Will probably pick this up soon.
My understanding is that....

The Pulse is obsolete. Going away.
The golds are lightweight and better
The Elites are still the best of the 3, they have a better bass and I don't know much about the vibration thing until they are obsoleted too.

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