PS Home Day?


Staff member
So with trophies I finally looked back into home. Would anyone else be interested in having PSLS home days where we just meet up and hang out?
So with trophies I finally looked back into home. Would anyone else be interested in having PSLS home days where we just meet up and hang out?
This is a really good idea. I'm down as long as I am free. Would probably have to reinstall everything though.
As I said earlier (Lifewish and I met up to grab that Welcome Guest trophy), I'd be down. I'm not sure how frequently I'd attend, but I like the idea and would be willing to join in now and then.

Oh, and I mentioned a particular event to Lifewish earlier... The Sodium Hub has a bar, which is split up into two minigames: drinking and serving. Each requires a player participating in the other, so I think it'd be a fun way to hang out. Plus, you earn points from playing, which you can spend on whatever items, and I believe you can also unlock some extra items just by playing the minigames a certain amount.
i do have a clubhouse we could meet up at, I rarely go to it, but meh it could make a good meeting place?
I'm gonna hate myself in the morning, but after re-downloading Home tonight... Home is kinda sorta cool now. Just a little bit.. Just wish they hadn't went with the stiff, almost realistic look and went with a more 360 avatar like style.

BTW, stumbled across this code: 6TPJ - FLNL - Q8B3
It's an oldie, but still works for a free PSLS shirt. ;) There's a few other codes listed here as well.
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I'm gonna hate myself in the morning, but after re-downloading Home tonight... Home is kinda sorta cool now. Just a little bit.. Just wish they hadn't went with the stiff, almost realistic look and went with a more 360 avatar like style.

BTW, stumbled across this code: 6TPJ - FLNL - Q8B3
It's an oldie, but still works for a free PSLS shirt. ;) There's a few other codes listed here as well.

if they did that, I'd burn my ps3. I can't stand those avatars
I just checked out Home and was actually pretty impressed by all they've added. So I would be up for some kind of meetup or whatever. It could be fun.
Ok well sounds like people would be interested. I will give this a thought on the day and then post up something.
On the note of which day: I'm most available Sundays and Mondays, but I may be able to join other days if it's later at night (10pm+ EST).

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