PS Plus Thirty Day Trial Code Anybody?


PSLS Level: Newbie
I got the PS4-Destiny Bundle, but I couldn't use the PS Plus code because I already had PS Plus at one point, so if anyone needs 30 days until a longer subscription, just ask. Might accept trade *hint, hint*
Anyone new to Playstation? I really want to get rid of this useless code. You may be able to use it. It's free entrance if you can use it!
I think if you guys use the code it will add it on to your remaining months.

So if you purchase a years subscription it will add another month to it for your free month codes that you put in it.
I think if you guys use the code it will add it on to your remaining months.

So if you purchase a years subscription it will add another month to it for your free month codes that you put in it.
This is my thinking as well.. I know I have done it in the past and it just adds month's onto your pre-existing subscription

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