PSN cards COUNTRY locked, not REGION.


PSLS Level: Bronze
Sad times.

I won a $20 PSN Card on Twitter from a contest by a small dev studio, but I have a Canadian PSN account and it won't take the voucher code.

Contacted Sony, and they suggested I sell the code and buy a Canadian voucher with that money :(

All I wanted was to play Rogue Legacy this weekend :(

Anybody else got any ideas?
You didn't know that the psn cards were locked to certain areas?

As the title of the thread suggest, I thought that PSN cards, like game codes, were locked to regions, and not countries.

So did the game studio.

Never had the need to know, I guess.
As the title of the thread suggest, I thought that PSN cards, like game codes, were locked to regions, and not countries.

So did the game studio.

Never had the need to know, I guess.

Sadly it's mainly the physical copies of discs that are non region locked because of the blu-ray, and most gift cards are like that.

Restaurant, game stores, etc..
I won a pinball tournament hosted by once but the top prize was a $20 gift card which I already knew (and I let them know) that doesn't work in Canada. TC, you can still actually use it if you made a new 'US' account, but I didn't want to go through the hassle of doing that because I mainly use the Vita and not Ps3, and it's annoying to have to keep formatting it to play games from other regions, so I gave the card to one of my US friends. No doubt he was pleased with it, and he bought Star Wars Pinball with the free money he got :3
Can you not use a bank card for now, and just delete the billing info from your account straight after if you don't feel comfortable with the information on your account?

It is region locked. there's various regions in the world throughout the globe as you know. You see it on cd's, dvd's, and credit cards.
It is region locked. there's various regions in the world throughout the globe as you know. You see it on cd's, dvd's, and credit cards.

No, they are country locked. A US card doesn't work in Canada, even though they are the same region for other thing like game releases (North American).
No, they are country locked. A US card doesn't work in Canada, even though they are the same region for other thing like game releases (North American).
I've used the uk cards on my spanish acct. canada is not comsidered part of the usa. Which is a reason why your cards aren't like ours.
For clarification, a PSN card for the US PS store like 4SaleUSA will only be redeemable in the US PS Store. A PSN card for the EU PS Store cannot be redeemed in the US PS Store.

You can purchase PSN cards for any region, if they're available for you to purchase, however these cards are tied for the store their designated for and cannot be used in another region's store.

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