Really enjoying Batman Arkham:Blackgate. On sale in PSN store!

Heard mixed reviews and decided to hold off. This is a great game so far. Very Metroid'esque.

Thanks! I also bought this and I'm glad the mixed reviews can mean a positive experience for some.

Injustice is also on sale (I also bought that). I'm not into fighting game, but the story mode seems a lot cooler than in most fighting games, so I jumped in.
Thanks! I also bought this and I'm glad the mixed reviews can mean a positive experience for some.

Injustice is also on sale (I also bought that). I'm not into fighting game, but the story mode seems a lot cooler than in most fighting games, so I jumped in.

NetherRealm Studios does put a lot of effort into their story modes. Mortal Kombat 2011 had a similarly built story mode. The Vita version of MK2011 runs at 60fps but has pretty terrible textures for the fighters.
The game isn't bad, not perfect, but enjoyable IMO. I bought it awhile back off of Amazon.

I was forever tempted to do that also. I've seen it for less than $15 for the longest time. But I had such a big backlog that I didn't want to jump into it.

$5 though? I'm game.
I was forever tempted to do that also. I've seen it for less than $15 for the longest time. But I had such a big backlog that I didn't want to jump into it.

$5 though? I'm game.
Oh it's definitely worth $5. I think I payed like $12 if I remember correctly.
I just got the game for $5 and so far I`m enjoying the story but not the lack of free roam like in the console games.
Why is it a money pit then?

As much as i would like to give you an honest and fully detailed answer to that i can't, like i said
i HEARD it was a money pit.
Whether or not it is, idk because i'm not a fan of the batman games. Therefore i have not played it. I only
Mentioned what i've heard.
As much as i would like to give you an honest and fully detailed answer to that i can't, like i said
i HEARD it was a money pit.
Whether or not it is, idk because i'm not a fan of the batman games. Therefore i have not played it. I only
Mentioned what i've heard.
Oh ok. I thought they put in micro transactions or something. But last time I checked with the game on my Vita no it didn't have any. :)
Oh ok. I thought they put in micro transactions or something. But last time I checked with the game on my Vita no it didn't have any. :)

Ya, from what i've heard people say that wasn't worth the price they charged for it. Which is what i guess would constitute as a ripoff, but like i said i've never played it so i wouldn't be able to give ya much info.

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