Shiny new forum

worst part about staring a new PSN account is losing all those platinum trophies. I only had like 4 though so I should be able to make it back.
See that's why I don't think I could ever start a new one. Granted I don't have that many Platinum trophies, but still.
Love the look, XenForo seems to be the popular forum now. That and IP.Board are what I seem to see most frequently now. Love the design, very clean look.

I've been wanting a new PSN name for years... I'm still holding out hope that they'll finally enable it.
Love the look, XenForo seems to be the popular forum now. That and IP.Board are what I seem to see most frequently now. Love the design, very clean look.

I've been wanting a new PSN name for years... I'm still holding out hope that they'll finally enable it.
Changing the name? Never thought you would want that bro. Glad to see you joined the new forums. You finally getting back to trophy hunting like before?
Yea... I just don't like the name that much anymore. And a lot of people assume I'm a chick because when they hear Phoenix they more often think Jean Grey than the mythical bird.

I was still achievement hunting on Steam, but the achievement community there is just so small and riddled with hacks that I just kinda stopped. Now I've got my PS4 the urge is kicking back in. Even ended up resubbing to Gamefly.
Yea... I just don't like the name that much anymore. And a lot of people assume I'm a chick because when they hear Phoenix they more often think Jean Grey than the mythical bird.

I was still achievement hunting on Steam, but the achievement community there is just so small and riddled with hacks that I just kinda stopped. Now I've got my PS4 the urge is kicking back in. Even ended up resubbing to Gamefly.
And so it begins. The Trophy Whore has returned :D
Seems so. I'm even on the fence about buying a Vita finally. Might sell my 3DS and buy one.

The thing thats burning me already again is the ridiculous MP trophies. Been playing TR... and god do I want to kill me some devs. Just not a fun MP experience and long grinding trophies (not to mention some difficulty even getting matches at times). At least AC4 had Wolf Pack which was at least somewhat fun, even playing solo.
Seems so. I'm even on the fence about buying a Vita finally. Might sell my 3DS and buy one.

The thing thats burning me already again is the ridiculous MP trophies. Been playing TR... and god do I want to kill me some devs. Just not a fun MP experience and long grinding trophies (not to mention some difficulty even getting matches at times). At least AC4 had Wolf Pack which was at least somewhat fun, even playing solo.
Yeah I cannot stand multiplayer trophies sometimes. There is no point to them IMO. Especially some of these games that feel like the multiplayer is just added on to be there.
About those MP trophies - get the ones that involve other people first and then just play games on your own for the level requirements. On the PS3 you could set up your own private MP matches and just; you know, play with yourself.

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