Street Fighter Fail


PSLS Level: Newbie
To all of those day 1 SFV players,

How pissed are you about the server issues?

If you are like me you feel a little shafted, because with the lack of an arcade mode and lackluster story mode there is only one mode left...and that is online multiplayer.

The one mode that presents any satsfaction to this title is still having problems...but wait this is after they supposedly fixed the issue.

I really am trying to be sympathetic but my wallet is injured and I need some commiseration guys.

Your thoughts...please.
just wait for all the dlc characters released first before buying the game..

No Akuma, No Sagat ???
Akuma is not of part of the story of SFV because he is dealing with the Mishimas in Tekken 7. Sagat got knockout by Necalli before the story of the game according to his story mode in a brief encounter. Also Capcom for once was being upfront about the lack of features at launch. They wanted this game out before EVO 2016 plain and simple. They want the pros/ hardcore mp players to get their hands on it before EVO as stated in many many articles on multiple gaming sites for the last year or so. This outrage from "gamers" at large is ridiclious especially since all the info of what this game has/lacks has out for months
Akuma is not of part of the story of SFV because he is dealing with the Mishimas in Tekken 7. Sagat got knockout by Necalli before the story of the game according to his story mode in a brief encounter. Also Capcom for once was being upfront about the lack of features at launch. They wanted this game out before EVO 2016 plain and simple. They want the pros/ hardcore mp players to get their hands on it before EVO as stated in many many articles on multiple gaming sites for the last year or so. This outrage from "gamers" at large is ridiclious especially since all the info of what this game has/lacks has out for months
Not just that, but...

You can get the game 20% off, so you really don't even have to pay a full $60, day 1 server issues ARE ALWAYS AN ISSUE! Anyone who expects day 1 servers to work AT ALL, need to stop pre-ordering. You have to expect every launch to be FUCKING BROKEN for the first day if not the first 3-5.


You get pre-orders, you do betas, you estimate how many more people will pick up the game than pre-orders, you either end up with a bug you couldn't account for in the beta tests, OR you end up with many more people than you expected and the servers go fubar.

You can't just buy new server capacity, because you have to set those servers up and test them, by the time you do that, the people who called into work sick will be working again, and people won't be on all at once and the servers won't need more capacity, because things are normal.

It's not fucking rocket science. It's like the Shenmue Kickstarter, every iPhone pre-order I've paid attention to, the Apple iWatch, most E3 streams a few days ago... Almost everything that matters goes the fuck down. If you can't figure out that easy to understand pattern, how do you game without guides?


When FFXIV went down day 1 on patch 3.2 I knew it would. Just like I expected it to on 3.1, 2.0, 2.4, 2.0, the beta, and every other big content patch with new endgame.

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