Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment (HELP PLS!!)


PSLS Level: Newbie
About the sword art online hollow fragment Asian version (English sub), is the dialogue, storyline and tutorial in English and only the voice is in Japanese? or is the overall in Japanese and some English ? Because I can't read Japanese

Pls help me by replying because I'm buying it later n I want to know about the language
About the sword art online hollow fragment Asian version (English sub), is the dialogue, storyline and tutorial in English and only the voice is in Japanese? or is the overall in Japanese and some English ? Because I can't read Japanese

Pls help me by replying because I'm buying it later n I want to know about the language
Yes, I believe the dialogue is all subtitled. Its all broken english. The game is getting an official release for North America and Europe in July if you don't mind a digital only release.
Yes, I believe the dialogue is all subtitled. Its all broken english. The game is getting an official release for North America and Europe in July if you don't mind a digital only release.

I believe this is correct my son.
Yes, I believe the dialogue is all subtitled. Its all broken english. The game is getting an official release for North America and Europe in July if you don't mind a digital only release.

So the SAO Asian version is subtitled so what about the tutorial n menu n so on?
I hope only the voice is in Japanese and the other is in English :):)
I found some screenshots of the Asia version on neogaf:



lol every time I look at those photos I get pumped for the NA release

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