Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

My issue is this. @dragon82 you say it is "in game", but I don't consider something in game unless I am in control of the character. I get that the trailer is stunning, but will some of that be lost when we take control of Nathan Drake?
I never liked the uncharted series very much, found it really bland. Pretty trailer though, hope the game does well for the fans.
My issue is this. @dragon82 you say it is "in game", but I don't consider something in game unless I am in control of the character. I get that the trailer is stunning, but will some of that be lost when we take control of Nathan Drake?
I've never really considered that point of view. I too will look at games as such now. Thanks Big Pete
Stunning trailer that got me excited, but I wanted to see more. @BigPete7978 , nothing will be lost when you take control of Nathan Drake. The games have stayed stunning even while controlling the characters in each of the first 3.
It's 'in-engine', but how that will translate to gameplay remains to be seen. However... this IS Naughty Dog we are talking about. They are going to kill it., in the best of ways of course.

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