Watch Dogs Welcome To Chicago


PSLS Level: Silver
I was looking forward to this game, but this trailer just bumped this game back to the top of my must have games list. I cannot wait.

Really curious to find out how similar this setting is to the actual Chicago. I'm not a fan of dev's claiming they're building virtual replicas and getting what I got with Second Son. When I heard Seattle was the setting for the game, my interest level went sky high. I expected Pizza Hut but what I got was a week old Little Caesar that had been ran over a couple times and pecked at by pigeons. Putting in landmarks like the Space Needle and Gum Wall then throwing in a couple references just doesn't cut it.
Really curious to find out how similar this setting is to the actual Chicago. I'm not a fan of dev's claiming they're building virtual replicas and getting what I got with Second Son. When I heard Seattle was the setting for the game, my interest level went sky high. I expected Pizza Hut but what I got was a week old Little Caesar that had been ran over a couple times and pecked at by pigeons. Putting in landmarks like the Space Needle and Gum Wall then throwing in a couple references just doesn't cut it.

Agreed. Second Son could have done a much better job of building a more thought out Seattle. I am really interested to see how close Watch Dogs gets.
Agreed. Second Son could have done a much better job of building a more thought out Seattle. I am really interested to see how close Watch Dogs gets.

What pains me the most is that Sucker Punched hyped up playing in "Seattle" in every interview I watched for this game. They pulled the whole Peter Molyneux Fable bit on us. I should have known better than to trust a Company that's based in Bellevue. It was s

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