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Getting ready to meet my new oncologist, first time since 2002. Only this time it's for something completely diferrent then before. Wish me luck for some GOOD NEWS.
Preparing to say farewell to my external hard drive I've had for... geez, I honestly can't even remember. Sometime toward the end of high school, I think, so at least 7-8 years, now? It recently started randomly disconnecting/reconnecting, which didn't appear to be related to the USB cable or anything else related to that, and then I started noticing it taking a while to connect after powering up, and it'd make those "whirring" sounds that HDD's tend to make when they're on their way out...

Seeing as I don't really take advantage of an external's portability these days, though, I figured I'd save money and gain more storage by just picking up an extra internal HDD for my PC. Grabbed a 1TB WD Green drive, which arrived and got installed today. (Luckily, I had some spare parts to install it with, although I had to borrow my optical drive's SATA cable for the time being. Not like I use that often anyway.) Now, I'm just spending most of my night copying over everything (mostly 400+ GB of anime) before I get rid of the external. I may just let it run its course until it's officially dead, but I'll probably just wipe it and pack it up until I can figure out what to do with it.
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dragging myself to work everyday and the only thing i look forward to is to reach home to play video games.

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