What Are You Up To?

Just upgraded my PS3's HDD to 1TB (from 160GB), so I'm sitting around, trying to figure out what to do while I wait for my PSOne Classics to download...

Edit (a few hours later): Watched some Cardcaptor Sakura. Moving on to PS2 Classics (only three) now.
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On a lunch break to pick up my wife from work so that she can go buy curtain rods and curtains for our new house. Oh, going to call the electrician and plumber too.
I, like every workday, am sneaking some PlayStation LifeStyle website and forums in during my job. You guys snagged me pretty hard two years ago. Been stuck on it ever since. Seven minutes and time to head home though!
I just got done visiting a Zoo in Alabama, sitting in a cage with Lemur's, and then drank some wine with the wife on the beach
Home with bad internet, decided to try to do a speedrun of metroid prime on an emulator (I own the trilogy but my wii was stolen =\) tried to beat the game in 5 hours (Could have beat it in 8) but decided to try to 100% (which i've never done before) at about 80+% And i must say its good to go back and play some great games you had a great time with. Besides that I'm on spring break and plan to spend most of tomorrow studying for my computer science courses! (Its actually pretty dreadful)
Currently I'm working on a distributed programming project while trying to put off doing Differential Equations homework. Thank god next week is Spring Break.

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