What do you think of multiplayer trophies?

How do you think multiplayer trophies should be handled?

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I hate multiplayer trophies when they are done badly, but some games do them really well. I don't feel like they should affect the platinum, unless mutliplayer is a huge main part of that game. I got screwed out of the GTA 4 Plat because of 2 multiplayer trophies that were a huge waste of time/grind. I don't think they should be given automatically when servers shut down (because you didn't legitimately earn it), but at that point they should be made to not affect obtaining the platinum, especially for people who buy/play those games late.

Also make them based on me trying out the multiplayer and not based on me getting within the top 1% of players in the multiplayer.
If the MP is a component of the game, then yes I think it should have trophies and those trophies should affect the platinum. I do agree though that more thought and effort should be put into a lot of MP trophies.
If the MP is a component of the game, then yes I think it should have trophies and those trophies should affect the platinum. I do agree though that more thought and effort should be put into a lot of MP trophies.
Agreed. Obnoxiously long grinds to hit maximum level are absurd. Even boosting GTA 4, you have to play over 55 hours of multiplayer to hit the top tier level, and that is boosting the same level over and over. With legit play, it would probably be over 100.
I'm OK with attainable MP trophies, I always liked how CoD Franchise handled it. Single Player and COOP had trophies MP did not.

Unless its a full online game like MAG was, i dont see them watering down trophies when the whole game is online and I am OK with that.

Mass Effect 3 also did a good job of getting people to play Online but didnt force you too for the trophy.
I hate MP trophies and by that I mean competitive MP. Give me co-op trophies and I'm fine, I'm also fine with trophies for getting your toes wet (such as the Uncharted games). Though for games where they are strongly focused around MP, such as COD or BF, I have no issue with MP because that's essentially what you're buying the game for.

What really ticks me off though is when a obviously SP focused game adds a stupid amount of MP related trophies that require grinding and/or luck in MP that was only added on to sell DLC. *cough*Tomb Raider*Cough*

Edit: And I only semi-agree that online trophies should be automatic when the servers shut down. For something like M.A.G., I don't think this would be a good idea. I would prefer that when a server shuts down that they set the flag on MP trophies to not count towards the Plat rather than auto awarding them.
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I think it depends on the multiplayer TBH. For example, the recently released Tomb Raider, did not care for the multiplayer trophies at all. The game is mainly a single player story, and the multiplayer felt tacked on to a certain degree. Especially when one of the trophies required you to reach the highest level in the multiplayer mode.

Another example would be be with the recent WWE titles, which also included multiplayer trophies. But the mode itself was extremely cheap, and allowed players to beat you by simply repeating running moves that were unblock able. Rendering the mode pointless.
I don't mind MP trophies sometimes. In several cases, they encourage me to try online portions of games that I otherwise wouldn't have bothered with trying. That, in turn, leads me to encourage my friends to buy the game, too (I'm looking at you, LittleBigPlanet).

Sometimes I hate MP trophies. My wife bought a Zumba game once, so I was like, "Hey, this should be a funny platinum." I was wrong. There was a MP trophy for playing online with 40 different people, and the MP was dead. I never remember seeing anyone online in that game. Dynasty Warriors Next has the worst kind if online trophy - it's ad hoc only, so you have to find another person with a Vita who also has a Dynasty Warriors game. My closest friend with a Vita lives 14 hours away.

Sometimes there could have been more MP trophies. In Ragnarok Odyssey for Vita, grinding boss battles online for cards was awesome! A trophy for fighting the final boss with 4 players would've been great!

In all, I guess my opinions of the trophies depend on the games. Some are well done, but others are full on rubbish.
What makes it worse is when the MP part of the game is completely dead, making it very hard to ever even attempt the MP trophies.
What I can't stand, and it's happened to me a couple of times, is if you get a game and it's a game that's been out for quite some time, then the developer decides to shut down the game servers when the game has multiplayer trophies.
Mp trophies aren't bad, but it really depends, I can't stand the get 10000 kills, its jusr ridiculous. A lot of the time you can hit the max le vel and not when be close to that c many kills. I prefer they keep them basic, especially since so many mp sucj and have no community.
I loved Brutal Legend, but I never got the Platinum because it's weird, awkward, and the multiplayer was bugged. So a group I got together for the trophy, ended up getting it, while my game just froze.
Personally i think mp trophies aren't needed, trophies should represent something that you were able to earn and obtain on your own without needing the help of another player. To me that's what makes trophies fun. Although when i play games, i could actually care less about the trophies, but it's still nice to hear that satisfying little "ding" every once in awhile.
I hate when a game requires you to play 500 (sometimes even more) matches online.

Especially fighting games where a majority of those will be loses due to people spamming projectiles.

100 should be the max.
I hate when a game requires you to play 500 (sometimes even more) matches online.

Especially fighting games where a majority of those will be loses due to people spamming projectiles.

100 should be the max.

I can often times handle Projectile spams. I get the timing pretty good. It's only when they are like super good and they get it off at the fastest rate and there's no way to really jump fast enough.
MP's always been a separate beast for me, so I'd like to see trophies remain separate and not count toward the Platinum. Tomb Raider's were horrendous, because MP was tacked on. I got them all but still need a handful from the main game.
I like how they released Single Player Starhawk and Multiplayer Starhawk separately with their own trophies. Why not do that? Especially on the PS4.. Let people pay for what they want.

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