Who is getting Destiny? Less than 24 hours away.

Will you buy Destiny?

  • Yes. Very excited for this game.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Maybe, will buy later or will at least wait on reviews.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Its not for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Hello there family. I wanna ask you who is gonna get this game called Destiny. We all know that the game has created a huge mega big hype and will release tomorrow 12:00 am.

I also want to know your opinions about it and if you don't like the game then those opinions too.

Remember this will be discussed with respect and, if needed, facts.
I don't honestly plan on picking it up, but that is more because I am swamped with reviews right now.. however, maybe later.
Im currently watching a lot of different people playing the game. Watching from my PS4. The game looks fine. I will get it but its not like I will die for it. Its like Borderlands, if you are alone without co op it gets boring quickly but it was made with that intention.
I was going to get it but I ran into a funding issue and had to cancel my preorder. I will pick it up later though.

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