Would you like to see a HD Remaster for FFXII?...

I dont remember a lot of this game and dont know if I want it again or not. If they do it then fine but Im more interested in FFVII HD or something like that for last or current gen consoles. It would be cool. An upgrade in graphics and glitches and that kind of stuff or just do it again. We shall see.

Imagine this: FFVII with PS4 graphics.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this. I wouldn't necessarily be against it, but I wouldn't plan on buying it, myself. I poured something like 90+ hours into the original (Hunts, mostly), and I just don't think I have it in me to do that all over again, lol. Heck, I never even finished the actual main game, for whatever reason. (Played right up to the final dungeon, and just suddenly dropped it.) If I were to buy an HD remaster, it'd just be to revisit the world and try to play through the main story in its entirety, but as many have said, the story wasn't very strong -- not the main characters' roles in it, at least. (From what I recall, Ashe was almost the only main character with any real relevance to the core plot, and it still wasn't much.)

FFXII was a strange creature... Like it was trying to be an MMORPG without actually being one. Many of its strengths and faults were both similar to those you'd see in MMO's. (Which makes it that much more amusing that much of FFXIV reminds me so much of XII. They've even added a similar hunting system to it.) As much as I enjoyed it at the time, I think I'd prefer to just play an MMO (see: FFXIV) at this point.

The main thing I will definitely give XII credit for is the Gambit system. Good lord did I have fun with that. Many people complained you were basically just watching the battles unfold before you, leaving very little (if anything) for you to directly do in combat, but it was really left up to how the player wanted to play. It did a great job of providing flexibility in how much control you wanted, and for the AI bits, I have to say the Gambit system delivered spectacularly. To date, I think it's the best AI control I've experienced in a game.

I dunno. I did hear that the Zodiac Job System version added a lot of very significant stuff to the game, so definitely give an HD remaster the same treatment as the FFX/X-2 and KH remasters, providing the international/JP-only bonuses. If they could just whip up a quick remaster with those extras and whatnot, I think it'd be a good opportunity for those who never got around to playing/completing the game on the PS2. And, hell, for a PS2 game, I remember it looking pretty damn impressive, graphically, so just tweaking the graphics a bit for HD should be a nice touch. I can't comment on how worthwhile doing so may be, from a business standpoint, but if it can get them some easy cashflow to direct toward future projects, then I'm all for that.

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