Avatar Decision

Which Shape Avatar Would You Like?

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PSLS Level: Silver
Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the shape of our avatars here on the PSLS forums. We currently have the rounded avatars, but it is possible to have square ones if the community would like. I'm setting up a poll so feel free to vote and reply your thoughts as well. Thanks on advance for your input! :)
Since circle and square are the only options, I'd go with circle. It's got a unique look and it fits almost every picture I've seen. Plus everyone does square.
And what if they weren't the only options? What would you vote for then? haha

To be honest, I forgot I had that first sentence in there. It was going to be apart of my first edit, which had me choosing an obtuse triangle as the "write-in" but that was scraped. Ultimately it was deemed unfunny and too offensive for normal forum goers.
All aboard the sinking Square ship~

If only there was an option to just choose how to crop your avatar upon choosing it on the forum. Then everyone would win.

If we're going to stick with circles, though, then might you at least change the background color of the cropping? Having a black square around a circle-cropped avatar on a blue background kind of seems to defeat the purpose of the circle cropping in the first place, haha.
My avatar looks weird in the circle... if you don't switch to square I will be forced to re crop sometime in the future.
I voted for squares cause that's what I'm used to, not that i'm against circle avatars, my suggestion would just be the PS symbol though :)

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