Bad Gamers Ep. 81: Assassin’s Creed Rogue, Rogue Legacy and the Risky Business


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
This week on Bad Gamers Episode 81, @Dan Oravasaari is having animal problems, @Chandler Wood has a new HD remaster to complain about, and @D'yani drinks from a metal straw like a boss! Check it out here!

The Swapper Giveaway!
Come for the giveaway, and stay for the articles!
Edit: Contest is over. I hope I won.

Evolve was Delayed
Evolve is one game that I'm really looking forward to playing, but I agree with all of you. There are a lot of other games coming out before 2015 that sound appealing to me, like The Evil Within and Destiny. I'll look forward to playing this in February, hopefully not the same day as The Order: 1886.


GameStop in Philly Keep Fingerprints
GameStop stores in Philadelphia have decided to start taking prints of people who trade in games? I think it's a good idea. For people like Dan who have been robbed multiple times, this could save a lot of good old fashioned police work for catching the bad guys and having people's stuff returned to them. Good work, GameStop!

LittleBigPlanet 3 No Thermometer
I think this is a cool opportunity for hobby game designers to strut their stuff. Rogue Legacy, for example, was created by two guys. Then you have people who make things like FFVII in LBP2, but they ran into a limitations for how to tie the game together. Once the thermometer is gone in LBP3, people who have epic ideas like that will be able to stitch them together and make their own coolness. I'm pretty excited to see what comes from this, and Dan's LOTR penis idea is an amazing start. <3

Also Sackboy is the perfect PlayStation mascot, because he only does everything.


Capcom Admits Risk in Deep Down
Deep Down is free-to-play, so Capcom is afraid of losing money. My idea: it's okay since they'll make it all back on Street Fighter and Resident Evil.

Resident Evil: The Remaster of the HD Remake - Masterful Edition
I know that Chandler hates HD remasters, and remastering a remake is the epitome of this (see: the Street Fighter series). That said, I'm fucking stoked! Dan mentioned the different camps of gamers who have played Resident Evil, and I'm in his camp. The first two Resident Evil games were the best in the series for me, though I enjoyed the rail shooters as well since they told me the story for all of the games I didn't want to play.

The kitty taking out that mass of things during this segment was perfect for imagining the sound of the dogs coming through the windows.


Aliens: Colonial Marines Lawsuit
Gearbox is done with all of this. Dan thinks Kotaku will be around in 10 years. Sega is going to have problems with software instead of hardware. Oh dear!

Destiny is capped at Level 20
Motes of light will make your level higher in some other way, but I don't care about the specifics until I play the game. I'm hoping that the caps will be raised with the planned expansions, similar to how World of Warcraft is done. With the original World of Warcraft, there was a lower level cap. The Burning Crusade and subsequent future expansions raised the cap and allowed for new things to happen. I'm hoping that Destiny does this instead of making us wait until the first sequel.

Rogue Legacy
@Chandler Wood wrote a review of Rogue Legacy, and he's in love with it. I'll be buying it soon because everything I read (and everything my friends tell me) indicates that this game is going to be awesome for me to play!


Is there a way we can make the video content on PSLS more forum-friendly? I can't embed @Chandler Wood's video review!

Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Irish-sounding protagonist with a game set in-between the days of ACIII and ACIV and we get to have ships and stuff? Dammit, I wasn't going to buy this, but now I'm considering it. Being single player only is almost a dealbreaker for me, as I hated grinding the mp trophies on ACIV through Uplay's terrible servers. :D

We do our video stuff through Springboard, which is owned by our parent site. Can it not embed in forums?

I'm not against HD remasters, just recent ones (like TLOU, GTAV, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider). Give me Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and yes, even Resident Evil.

I'm still sickly addicted to Rogue Legacy. Huh? How the hell did I start typing up here? My finger slipped and I mashed something on the keybaord! This is freaking weird.

Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Irish-sounding protagonist with a game set in-between the days of ACIII and ACIV and we get to have ships and stuff? Dammit, I wasn't going to buy this, but now I'm considering it. Being single player only is almost a dealbreaker for me, as I hated grinding the mp trophies on ACIV through Uplay's terrible servers. :D

Huh, being single-player only actually makes me want to play it. I hardly ever play multiplayer unless it is local. I don't care about online play(partially because my internet is crap). Multiplayer-focused things are usually a dealbreaker for me.
We do our video stuff through Springboard, which is owned by our parent site. Can it not embed in forums?
The embed codes (html) do not work here. The forum embed tags only support a set number of specific websites.

I'm not against HD remasters, just recent ones (like TLOU, GTAV, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider). Give me Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and yes, even Resident Evil.
Your good old HD remaster rants are hilarious though! Wait, is there a remaster of Sleeping Dogs happening? HAHAHAHA I missed that somehow.

When I first read about that Resident Evil (remake) Remaster, I immediately wondered how you guys were going to react to it on the podcast. :D

I'm still sickly addicted to Rogue Legacy. Huh? How the hell did I start typing up here? My finger slipped and I mashed something on the keybaord! This is freaking weird.
I'm going to keep entering contests for it. I feel like earning it in some way would be cooler than buying it.

Huh, being single-player only actually makes me want to play it. I hardly ever play multiplayer unless it is local. I don't care about online play(partially because my internet is crap). Multiplayer-focused things are usually a dealbreaker for me.
I have awesome Internet speed (~98mbps average download speed through wireless), but Assassin's Creed IV had the most horribly managed servers. They were down at random, and I couldn't connect most of the time. This made the last few trophies in the game way harder to get than they should have been. I actually didn't go back and get the DLC trophies just because of that. With AC: Rogue having a completely single-player focus, I'll feel much more inclined to buy this than Unity, though I'll probably get both.

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