Ban SunioRamez or I quit


PSLS Level: Bronze
I'm not kidding, I'm done. I'm absolutely done with that little troll on this site, I was over on twitter and he spent an entire two days trolling me because I made the mistake of replying to Playstation Lifestyle: Go check out his account PSPortalRules, it's all trolling and attacking people, but then he went and crossed a line with this:

The little brat even commented that he "Recognised me from THIS site" so I know it's absolutely him. I'm done with trolls sending me death threats and getting no reprecussions for it. I'm done so either he goes or I go. I'm done.
BTW on here despite not even being name-dropped he continued to harass me insulting me multiply times, it was after Sunio left these comments that he left me the "I recognise you from PSLS" tweet meaning as I said above it's absolutely him making these vile comments:

SunioRamez is not here to comment in good faith, he's here to be a hateful little troll and attack people simply for the fun of it. Simply to bait people into arguments presumable so he can his little friends can all have a laugh at our expense over on Discord and I'm done seeing his kind just get away with it.

So either he goes or I find a site that respects me enough it won't just let someone like SunioRamez talk to me like dirt and I know I'm not the only person in the gaming community who feels this way. I know this site has rules against abusing staff and members so there's no way he's not breaking any kind of ToS.

and those last two comments don't even make any kind of sense, am I a Nintendo fanboy or a Playstation fanboy? Pick a lane.

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