BigPete7978's Signature Gallery

i just find him a great character.
My first try at a Deadpool signature. What you think?
I've always thought pictures like this would be messed up signatures, since they are more like strips from a comic, yet I've seen some people use em.
Nah, I just like making them for fun. I still have a lot to learn on stuff. Just takes time and patience on making signatures.

have you done combination ones? like for instance combining wolverine with superman? (not asking you to make, because I hate both characters. just referring to the idea)
have you done combination ones? like for instance combining wolverine with superman? (not asking you to make, because I hate both characters. just referring to the idea)

Cole MacGrath and Alex Mercer makes my ProtoFamous signature :D
have you done combination ones? like for instance combining wolverine with superman? (not asking you to make, because I hate both characters. just referring to the idea)
I'd pay about $5 for a really good signature customized.
I'm still waiting on my friend Janice to make one with my 4 favorite game characters.
her birthday present to me, she said if she can't she'll just make 4 separate ones lol.
from the looks of things you must have taken a digital imaging class, cuz these are professional quality.
I'm still waiting on my friend Janice to make one with my 4 favorite game characters.
her birthday present to me, she said if she can't she'll just make 4 separate ones lol.
from the looks of things you must have taken a digital imaging class, cuz these are professional quality.
Nope. Completely self taught. Read a lot of tutorials online and learned to make signatures that way.

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