Calling All Trophy Hunters


PSLS Level: Bronze
Now that 2014 is winding down and most of the major releases for the year are out, It'll be a while before things pick up again in late January/February (in my opinion!). That being said, while there are plenty of new games to play (Unity, DA: Inquisition, Far Cry, etc.), I figure this is also a great time to hit the backlog and knock out some of these older games that I didn't quite finish or platinum. That being said, if anyone has any multiplayer trophy for any game at all they want to work on, please post here and let me know or friend request me on PSN (be specific about why you're befriending me when you do so). I am always down to trophy hunt for any game.
As a very specific trophy hunt, I'm interested in going for the trophy for completing a raid on Destiny without anyone dying. Now that the level cap is raised to 32, weapons are stronger than ever, and people have gotten plenty of experience in the VoG, I'm seeing some real potential to get this done. I'm not necessarily looking to accomplish this immediately, but I would like to see if theres anyone on here who would be interested in doing the same.
As a very specific trophy hunt, I'm interested in going for the trophy for completing a raid on Destiny without anyone dying. Now that the level cap is raised to 32, weapons are stronger than ever, and people have gotten plenty of experience in the VoG, I'm seeing some real potential to get this done. I'm not necessarily looking to accomplish this immediately, but I would like to see if theres anyone on here who would be interested in doing the same.

Talk to Chandler and Dan.. they both have Destiny and could probably help you with this.

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