Chandler's Beard


PSLS Level: Bronze
With today's episode of Morning Wood, we see an old friend resurface.

That is, of course, our old friend Jebediah.

A man who thinks technology is scary and should be forsaken.

A man who does not care about his physical appearance.

I applaud your confidence, Jebediah, I applaud the fact that you are able to walk out of your house, and not care that children are terrified of your unshaven facial hair, that you can go to the grocery store and treat it as normal when people start screaming in the absolute terror that is your beard.

That when you walk into a bank, it is a regular occurrence for everyone in there to throw their valuables and belongings to you, as you fit the description of the Bad Beard Bandit.

You are truly an inspiration to us all.

Thank you.

Yes, thank you for living and grabbing life by the horns, and by not caring about week old food, and the stale Doritos you must find on a daily basis.


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HAhahahahahahahaha! Oh man, this made my day.

Yup, it's like a built in lazy meter. Is Chandler too lazy to shave? When will he appear baby faced again? I like to keep my audience on their toes. Hahaha but thanks for this (I actually shaved on Saturday lol).

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