Criminal Girls: Invite Only


PSLS Level: Bronze
Hi there, guys!

Good to be back after a while.


I've actually been given the opportunity to review Vita games for a site called VitaBoys! I'm not here to promote the site though (feel free to visit it, however *wink*).

I'm here to talk about the first game that I'm reviewing: Criminal Girls: Invite Only.


Anybody else playing this upgraded PSP JRPG?

CG:IO made news not only because it may appear to some as misogynistic, but because when it was brought west from Japan, a lot of the fan service elements were censored.

I'd love to hear what you guys think of the whole affair.

Hi there, guys!

Good to be back after a while.


I've actually been given the opportunity to review Vita games for a site called VitaBoys! I'm not here to promote the site though (feel free to visit it, however *wink*).

I'm here to talk about the first game that I'm reviewing: Criminal Girls: Invite Only.

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Anybody else playing this upgraded PSP JRPG?

CG:IO made news not only because it may appear to some as misogynistic, but because when it was brought west from Japan, a lot of the fan service elements were censored.

I'd love to hear what you guys think of the whole affair.


As a girl, i didn't find anything wrong with it. All i saw was a typical jrpg from japan featuring all girls. People make a big deal out of nothing so often these days that i often think about just quiting gaming. Those people kill the fun for others. It's not like it's real life, it's just a freaking game!!!!
I completely agree. Not only it was fine to begin with, but after all the censorship is not even fun. The minigames to "motivate" the girls are basically a pink background (where the girl used to be), and a somewhat boring mechanic. They ruined that aspect of the game for me.
I played a bit of the game and found it interesting, especially the combat.. but it just didn't do enough to keep me that interested.
I played a bit of the game and found it interesting, especially the combat.. but it just didn't do enough to keep me that interested.

Funny, I found the combat to be a bit lacking, specially at the beginning. It gets a bit better the more girls you recruit, though.

=/ I didn't realize they censored it so badly.

It's pretty bad, specially at the beginning. It gets a bit better the more you advance, but it's definitely censored compared to the original Japanese release.
As a girl, i didn't find anything wrong with it.
After reading the PSLS review for the game, I told my wife about it. I seriously thought she was going to buy herself a Vita just to play it! hahaha
Instead she elected to buy Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed on PS4.

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