Daylight for around $10?

Read description, Looked at Screen Shots,

Scary game. Definitely not a fan as I've stated previously. Though I will probably watch someone stream it on the PS4.
Outlast gave me a few frights. But that was because I played alone, in the dark, with the Gold headset blasted up. Loved the thrill. But it wore off quickly. Daylight is appearing to be similar. I think at this point I'll go watch a stream of it and see what is going on with it. That should give me much better info than descriptor text, a review, or screenshots ever will.
Outlast gave me a few frights. But that was because I played alone, in the dark, with the Gold headset blasted up. Loved the thrill. But it wore off quickly. Daylight is appearing to be similar. I think at this point I'll go watch a stream of it and see what is going on with it. That should give me much better info than descriptor text, a review, or screenshots ever will.
Agreed, by the end you sort of knew the patterns, buy I still liked it.

I'm also a huge fan of the streaming, its definitely helped me in my fave purchases lately.
Yea. There is a super bias going on in that site. Probably swayed by money. Of course, I don't trust any review really. I just read them for the opinions that they are.
I generally like the reviews here. The score is typically fair to their review policy, and the criticisms are incredibly helpful. The negative things are not always dealbreakers (hell, sometimes they're quirks that I like), but they effectively point out some of the most interesting things in the games without spoiling them. Most websites aren't objective enough to do that. IGN (last time I checked) doesn't do that.

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