Was there a reason why this site never reviewed Medievil?

Dan Green

PSLS Level: Newbie
I enjoy reading reviews on this site and especially with Medievil being a Sony exclusive, I figured it was guaranteed to get a review from you guys but it didn’t get one at all.

I know lots of other sites reviewed it like Push Square 6/10, PlayStation Universe 9.5/10, TheSixthAxis 7/10, Destructoid 7.5/10, Gamespot 5/10, IGN 6.5/10, Digitally Downloaded 4/5 etc but I enjoy reading PlayStation Lifestyles reviews and perspectives on games, especially on games like this where reviews are extremely mixed.
I never played this game back on the PS1.

1) Was there a particular reason why you didn’t review this game?
Did you not receive review code? Did you just decide you didn’t want to review it for whatever reason?

2) How do you guys decide what to review and what to skip? There’s so many games that get dumped on the PSN store nowadays that it must be tricky what to cover and what to leave. I know there’s several games on the PSN store that have never been given a single review by any critic.

Hope you guys are cool with me asking these questions.
Not having done the original, I find this remaster excellent! The graphics are beautiful! The script is very good! The game offers good playability.

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