Drake's Fortune - Bugged Trophies?


PSLS Level: Bronze
I think a friend mentioned something about this to me a while back, but I'm not sure... Are any of the trophies for the first game glitched? I finally started playing the game (beyond a brief test play) recently, and I seem to have somehow missed the first of a couple of sets of trophies: First Treasure and 10 Headshots. ...And yet I've gotten trophies that follow those ones, such as Beginner Fortune Hunter (5 treasures) and 30 Headshots. Clearly, this does not make sense, lol.

To memory, I should've likely gotten at least one of these two trophies when I did my initial test play back when I first bought the game, although I think that may have been before I patched the game and whatnot... (IIRC, the game didn't originally have trophies, so they were patched in at a later date? Could be totally off on this. My memory's fuzzy.) I started a new file this time, but used whatever save data I had from before, to carry over treasures and whatnot, sooo... I guess something just didn't sync properly?

Should I be able to just start a completely new file from scratch in order to pick up these trophies, you think? Or is there some other solution that anyone knows of? Any info would be helpful.
Oh man, i hate it when trophies are bugged it makes trying to platinum a game annoying as hell
On a side note: While I haven't experienced any freezing, I have experienced Death by Sully. ...Which is to say I tried to drop from a ledge while Sully was standing below, and I got stuck on top of him, in a falling pose, until the game decided Nate had to die as a result of this mishap. xD Thankfully, nothing important was going on at the time.

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