Evolve Big Alpha


PSLS Level: Bronze
Anyone gearing up to play the Evolve Alpha?

I just wanted to start a thread to unify all of those that will be playing. Maybe we can get a game going at some point during the Alpha. (Provided, they give you the option.)

Also, as an added bonus I have an extra code for the Alpha if anyone wants it.
Anyone gearing up to play the Evolve Alpha?

I just wanted to start a thread to unify all of those that will be playing. Maybe we can get a game going at some point during the Alpha. (Provided, they give you the option.)

Also, as an added bonus I have an extra code for the Alpha if anyone wants it.
I would love to try that if you still have the code! :D
I got in, but I haven't even downloaded it yet.. will probably end up not even doing anything with it.. too busy.
I don't have a PS4 yet but has anyone here been playing it? I wanted to hear some impressions
I have not been able to play it yet. The alpha is up until tomorrow I believe.

It's a little annoying that other systems got a whole weekend and more, while PlayStation players get Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I don't know if I can make the time for that. But, at least we get it.

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