F*ck Watch Dogs

Stephen Bitto

Staff member
So the Disk Space Full trophy in Watch Dogs requires you to either hack a civilian's phone to download music or use a Shazam-like app to snatch it from a location in which it is playing. Three of the songs can only be downloaded from a civilian's hacked phone. Two of the songs are unlocked through beating missions. It was the last trophy I need for the platinum.

Sounds easy, right?

If you get the songs at any point during the main story, yes, easy as can be. If you wait until the end of the game when you are cleaning up the extra trophies, IMPOSSIBLE! I needed one more song and couldn't find it anywhere. I literally hacked everyone I could find for hours on end and no one had the song. Thousands of hacks, no luck! I then tried every location and strategy I read online from others with the same issue and, again, no song. Finally I restarted my game entirely as I was wasting hours and hours of my time. I hacked all three hack-only songs before I finished Act 1. The others are all easy except the mission required ones. Of course, you need to beat the final mission for those. So now I have to play the entire damn game again for this seemingly simple trophy.

This is so ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is that Ubisoft never even addressed the issue. It's a huge problem that certain people find it impossible to get a trophy that requires no skill and is entirely random.

Have you guys ever encountered something so crazy stupid?
I remember playing one of the LEGO Harry Potter games and getting to the very end and needing one trophy, but I couldn't get it because I purchased one of the Voldemort characters as player 2 and not player 1... so incredibly STUPID
So the Disk Space Full trophy in Watch Dogs requires you to either hack a civilian's phone to download music or use a Shazam-like app to snatch it from a location in which it is playing. Three of the songs can only be downloaded from a civilian's hacked phone. Two of the songs are unlocked through beating missions. It was the last trophy I need for the platinum.

Sounds easy, right?

If you get the songs at any point during the main story, yes, easy as can be. If you wait until the end of the game when you are cleaning up the extra trophies, IMPOSSIBLE! I needed one more song and couldn't find it anywhere. I literally hacked everyone I could find for hours on end and no one had the song. Thousands of hacks, no luck! I then tried every location and strategy I read online from others with the same issue and, again, no song. Finally I restarted my game entirely as I was wasting hours and hours of my time. I hacked all three hack-only songs before I finished Act 1. The others are all easy except the mission required ones. Of course, you need to beat the final mission for those. So now I have to play the entire damn game again for this seemingly simple trophy.

This is so ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is that Ubisoft never even addressed the issue. It's a huge problem that certain people find it impossible to get a trophy that requires no skill and is entirely random.

Have you guys ever encountered something so crazy stupid?

That sounds absolutely infuriating.

I've always been really pissed off at Ubisoft for not letting us replay the campaign of Watchdogs. You pretty much have to either overwrite your original game, or back it up to USB. Why wouldn't they allow new game plus, or have 3 save slots like every Assassins Creed game does? Dickheads.
That sounds absolutely infuriating.

I've always been really pissed off at Ubisoft for not letting us replay the campaign of Watchdogs. You pretty much have to either overwrite your original game, or back it up to USB. Why wouldn't they allow new game plus, or have 3 save slots like every Assassins Creed game does? Dickheads.

New game plus would have solved one major problem for me! Lol
I was going to start playing Watch Dogs soon so I'll be sure to watch out for this. As for encountering glitches like that some of the red orbs you collect in Enslaved sometimes are under are in walls and you can't see them. So if you miss one you need to go through the whole level checking every spot to make sure one orb wasn't in the wall or ground. I had to replay a few levels over and over because I missed one of those orbs.
Destiny didn't give me the trophy for upgrading my first exotic weapon. I was really confused for a while.

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