The vote for me was very very close, Guacamelee, Hotline Miami, Tearaway & Soul Sacrifice are all awesome. Guac hooked me more than Tearaway & SS did so it came down to Guacamelee & Hotline Miami. Those two titles justified my PS+ subscription. I gave the slight nudge to Guacamele just for having more levels. Both titles are A+++++ quality though.Without a doubt Hotline Miami. The game was fantastic. Still working towards getting the Platinum trophy, it will be mine one day. Also I cannot wait for the sequel, a definite day one purchase.
The soundtrack of Hotline Miami alone made the game amazing. Perfect soundtrack IMO.The vote for me was very very close, Guacamelee, Hotline Miami, Tearaway & Soul Sacrifice are all awesome. Guac hooked me more than Tearaway & SS did so it came down to Guacamelee & Hotline Miami. Those two titles justified my PS+ subscription. I gave the slight nudge to Guacamele just for having more levels. Both titles are A+++++ quality though.