Gambit is Channing Tatum....??? WTF!


Staff member
So during the boredom of the last X-Men movie, I decided to start surfing my phone and happened to come across the news that Channing Tatum is playing Gambit.. I have no words to explain my utter disappointment aside from this gif.


Come on now.. you take the best character in the X-Men universe, one who for some reason was left out of the original 3 X-Men movies, and you cast him with possibly one of the worst actors in the industry... What, was Jason Stathom too busy? Couldn't you just cast Ryan Reynolds in his 5th super hero role? Was the guy who played Gambit in the Wolverine movie, who actually looked the part, busy??


This guy actually played a pretty damn good Gambit..

Now before you guys mention Heath Ledger and the Joker, just don't.. Heath Ledger actually had some acting talent and had good movies to his credit and he actually looked somewhat like the Joker.

I just have no desire to see the supposed Gambit movie now... just fuck, why did they have to Michael Bay this?

I am done.. discuss

I'm willing to give him a chance. Not every guy wakes up as Michael Keaton and nails a Batman role, you know? But here is my rationalization:

- Channing Tatum is a chick flick actor (excuse the misogyny, please).
- Gambit ... is a wannabe chick flick actor, who coincidentally happens to be a super badass.
- Put them together, and you have Gambit making his own dreams come true.
Actually, I think this is a good casting choice. Tatum is a smooth, good looking, fit, ladies' man, and Gambit is the same. I think that, as long as he can sufficiently act the part, the looks and general personality actually fit extremely well... I'll give it a shot for sure.
Actually, I think this is a good casting choice. Tatum is a smooth, good looking, fit, ladies' man, and Gambit is the same. I think that, as long as he can sufficiently act the part, the looks and general personality actually fit extremely well... I'll give it a shot for sure.
@Lifewish is gonna flip out on you. I said that they had similar looks, and he said we weren't friends anymore haha.

As for his acting, I really don't know much about him. It was the same with Heath Ledger, who I had only seen in A Knight's Tale when he was announced as Joker in The Dark Knight. The only movies I know for Tatum are the Step Up movies.
A Knight's Tale is one of my favorite movies ever. <3
Oh I agree. A Knight's Tale was awesome. But if you were to tell me that he would've made an amazing Joker after I saw that I wouldn't have believed you. Still to this day Ledger is hands down my favorite bad guy in a movie, EVER. I don't think his portrayal of Joker will ever be topped.
Oh I agree. A Knight's Tale was awesome. But if you were to tell me that he would've made an amazing Joker after I saw that I wouldn't have believed you. Still to this day Ledger is hands down my favorite bad guy in a movie, EVER. I don't think his portrayal of Joker will ever be topped.
I always thought he was pretty good, even in chick flicks like Casanova and war movies like The Patriot. I think his role as The Joker really brought a new depth into his acting credentials, which unfortunately had to be realized by most of us posthumously.
I like Channing and I think he could do a good job with Gambit, but it will really fall down to how he is written more than anything. His role in Wolverine was trash because the writing was trash. As long as they don't just stick in characters for 'fan service' and forget that fans actually care about the characters and not just seeing some dude with long hair playing cards, it might work out. *Crosses fingers*
I don't agree with the "but Heath Ledger as Joker" arguments. Leading up to Batman, I honestly believe Ledger showed himself to be a more competent actor, pulling off a wide range of different roles. Whether you like the roles or not, he was in The Patriot, Brokeback Mountain (nominated for best actor) , 10 Things I Hate About You, Lords of Dogtown, Four Feathers, and Casanova, just to name a few.

Channing Tatum has done ONE type of role and that is IT, unless you count Step it Up as some other form of movie..
Whether you like the roles or not, he was in The Patriot, Brokeback Mountain (nominated for best actor) , 10 Things I Hate About You, Lords of Dogtown, Four Feathers, and Casanova, just to name a few.

Channing Tatum has done ONE type of role and that is IT, unless you count Step it Up as some other form of movie..
That's the biggest reason why I want to see Channing Tatum in this movie. I hate to see an actor get repeatedly typecasted when could have done something better during those years. Heath Ledger was an excellent actor, but he wasn't really made a household name for his excellent acting chops until Brokeback Mountain came out. Furthermore, he wasn't ever deified by people until his Joker role was showcased.

I say that Channing Tatum should have a chance or two to do something different. A (hopefully) good action movie might be his chance to demonstrate some sort of competence as an actor, rather than a piece of glorious mancandy.
That's the biggest reason why I want to see Channing Tatum in this movie. I hate to see an actor get repeatedly typecasted when could have done something better during those years. Heath Ledger was an excellent actor, but he wasn't really made a household name for his excellent acting chops until Brokeback Mountain came out. Furthermore, he wasn't ever deified by people until his Joker role was showcased.

I say that Channing Tatum should have a chance or two to do something different. A (hopefully) good action movie might be his chance to demonstrate some sort of competence as an actor, rather than a piece of glorious mancandy.

This choice still makes me very miffed

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