Has A Video Game Ever Made You Sick?

Has a Video Game Ever Made You Physically Sick?

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PSLS Level: Silver
Ever play a video whose graphics have actually made you to sick to play it? or possibly something else?
I stay away from many different types of first person shooters because some of them move so fast or their graphics have made me feel sick or given me vertigo.
Honestly no. There have been titles where I had to adjust to the views of the game, but once I adjusted I was good.
No, but I've recently been reading things about people getting sick from beta testing the Oculus Rift. I don't know if that's people trolling or not, but that seems to be what people are mostly concerned about with Sony's Project Morpheus.
When games have bad framerate issues I can get a bit of a nausea and a headache. It usually only happens at around 15-20 fps, so not that often and usually only in beta builds.

I also occasionally get the 'sickening feeling' (the roller coaster feeling) on occasion when jumping off of high locations on PC, never get it on consoles.
No, but I've recently been reading things about people getting sick from beta testing the Oculus Rift. I don't know if that's people trolling or not, but that seems to be what people are mostly concerned about with Sony's Project Morpheus.
I hear that the sickness from the Oculus Rift is because of the latency and because the Project Morpheus uses the Move Technology I hear it does a much better job of making things feel right which reduces Nausea.

The game that made me sick to my stomach was Walking Dead.

"On the count of 3"

I was sick to my stomach. Almost didn't go to work and almost puked a few times. Got too emotionally attached to that game. Also didn't help that I was trying to burn through it for a platinum for a trophy competition on That Gamer Forum before Big Pete killed it.

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