How many games do you have on PS4 and what are they? (list them)

I recently bought a PS4 and I still think the games are insanely overpriced. That being said I've got around 8 games right now: 4 disc based and 4 digital games:

Watch Dogs (I got the Watch Dogs PS4 bundle)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Infamous: Second Son
Metro Redux

Oddworld: New N' Tasty
Infamous: First Light
Minecraft (I upgraded my PS3 version)
inFamous: Second Son (bundled w/ console)
Warframe (digital; F2P)

+ Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
+ Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition)

Took advantage of the Square-Enix store's back-to-school sale to expand my PS4 library a bit. Already had FFXIV for PC, but thought a console version would be nice to have. PS4 seemed like as good a choice as any. Now, if I have a friend (w/ game + account) over, we can do local multiplayer, hah. Tomb raider was one of those cases where I was glad I hadn't already picked up the original version for my PS3 -- gives me one more game to have on my PS4, and enhanced (to whatever extent) at that. (Next, on that note, will be The Last of Us, probably followed by Sleeping Dogs.)
3 games on disc: Knack, Assassins and Fifa 14 (don't ask why). All were pre-orders while waiting for the system.

Everything else is digital (I think the Assassins disc is still in the PS4, but I'm not sure. Could be Knack):

Sub-adjunct: There's honestly too many games for me to laboriously type out here that are digital, so I will only type out ones I cared about, and which (mostly) don't seem to make it on all the other lists:

* War Thunder (Loved all their games on PC and PS3)
* Doki-Doki Universe (Strange, weird, bold)
* Don't Starve
* Strike Suit Zero (seriously, how do people miss out on this? It is like Freelancer slash a mech game)
* Ground Zeroes
* P.T.
* Outlast (Great audio engineering)
* Murdered: Soul Suspect (Ghosts!)
* Entwined (The PS4 remix of Dyad?)
* Transistor (I think I dreamt a few times of a game that gave off an atmosphere like this when I was a teenager)
All my games are digital besides inFamous. I'm not including my demos, betas, favorites, etc. Just the games in my Library, not downloaded.

Games/DLC bought:
  1. Killzone: Shadow Fall
  2. Infamous: Second Son (collectors Edition)
  3. Hohokum
  4. The Swapper
  5. Rogue Legacy
  6. Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry (DLC version)
  7. Thief
  8. Transistor
  9. Doki Doki Universe (Cross-buy)
  10. Flower
  11. Super Motherload
  12. flOw
  13. Lego Marvel Superheroes
  14. Sound Shapes (Cross-buy)
  15. Outlast: Whistelblower
  16. Counterspy
  17. The Last Tinker: City of Colors
  18. Infamous First Light
  19. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
  20. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
  21. Nidhogg
Free-to-Play & IGC:
  1. Warframe
  2. Blacklight: Retribution
  3. Contrast
  4. Resogun
  5. Don't Starve
  6. DC Universe Online
  7. Outlast
  8. The Playroom + DLC's
  9. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
  10. Mercenary Kings
  11. Stick it to The Man
  12. Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate
  13. War Thunder
  14. Trine 2: Complete Story
  15. Strider
  16. Towerfall Ascension
  17. Road Not Taken
  18. Fez
  19. Sportsfriends
  20. Velocity 2x
  21. Dust: An Elysian Tale
  22. Spelunky
  23. Pix the Cat
All digital? Wow. If you ever have to upgrade your HDD, I feel bad for you
All digital? Wow. If you ever have to upgrade your HDD, I feel bad for you
I delete all the games I beat. All that's left on my PS4 are the co-op indie games, 2 free-to-play, and like 3 AAA games. So only like 12 games. I won't ever have to upgrade at the rate I'm deleting games. I have almost 300 GB free.
Do you guys remember ( or still deal with it) when we had to deleted something from the PS3 and it could take ages? LOL with PS4 is just click and its done.
All digital? Wow. If you ever have to upgrade your HDD, I feel bad for you
Even with disc games you have to store the full game on there, so I don't think it's much more of a hassle. Keep all the games you'd ever want to play with friend installed, and games you might come back and play for a weekend, ready to download...

I would say it's a different approach, not a better or worse one.
Even with disc games you have to store the full game on there, so I don't think it's much more of a hassle. Keep all the games you'd ever want to play with friend installed, and games you might come back and play for a weekend, ready to download...

I would say it's a different approach, not a better or worse one.

It's most definitely worse. No doubt about it. Unless somehow you don't value your time,

In fact, it could be up to hundreds of times worse, if you define worse as how much more time it will take to install all of your games and depending on how slow your internet connection is.

Regardless of blurays needing to be fully stored on the HDD, it's still much better to have them even if you never sell your games (which I don't).

Even deleting the bare minimum amount of games just so you can make room for a new game or 2, the benefit of bluray is still greatly appreciated by almost any gamer who values their time because it really is that much faster and more convenient.

A bluray game takes a mere fraction of the amount of time to install that a digital game does.

Even on the fastest internet connection there is, bluray is always at least 5 times as fast to install the game.

So like I said, having to install a whole library worth of digital games would be horrible, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to do it, but it's really their own fault for going digital

I've gone through it multiple times on PS3, and believe me, I would've killed to be able to install each game at the speed PS4 does it with bluray's
I delete all the games I beat. All that's left on my PS4 are the co-op indie games, 2 free-to-play, and like 3 AAA games. So only like 12 games. I won't ever have to upgrade at the rate I'm deleting games. I have almost 300 GB free.

Well at least the developers are still getting the money they deserve but throwing away games like that isn't all that different from renting them. Games shouldn't be treated like disposable trash.

But I doubt that you don't ever replay old, in your case deleted games do you? And even if that's a rare occasion of doing so, you could be replaying those games in a fraction of the time it'll take you to download them if you had the bluray version. No matter how fast your internet connection is. If it's slow, well then you'll be looking at waiting more than a few hours opposed to waiting a couple minutes at most
At least for me I havent experienced tHitman Absolution it took like half hour. I was starting to get worried.
Well at least the developers are still getting the money they deserve but throwing away games like that isn't all that different from renting them. Games shouldn't be treated like disposable trash.

But I doubt that you don't ever replay old, in your case deleted games do you? And even if that's a rare occasion of doing so, you could be replaying those games in a fraction of the time it'll take you to download them if you had the bluray version. No matter how fast your internet connection is. If it's slow, well then you'll be looking at waiting more than a few hours opposed to waiting a couple minutes at most

Yeah, I like to support devs but I also borrow a lot of games so it's not like I'm wasting money like crazy. The only way I'll replay a game is if I really like it or if I'm going for the platinum/100%. Like The Last of Us, I beat that game 4 times in a week. I don't like replaying games much though because during that time, I could be playing some other game or doing something else (going out, watching TV/movies, etc.). Don't get me wrong, I've felt urges to replay some games (Portal 2, Uncharted 3) but at that point, I just realize I've experienced those already so I should do something else. Also, money is an issue (Light bills, woo!) so I'd rather let that electricity go to something else I haven't played or a TV show/movie I want to finish/watch. If I was rich, I'd have all the time in the world and I would replay games a lot more but I'm a peasant so I have to manage my time. If I ever wanted to replay a game though, I wouldn't mind having to download it again. Besides, going all digital means I can't sell my games (I rarely sell games anyway) so some person out there is more likely to buy a new copy of a game and not a used one.
All my games are digital besides inFamous. I'm not including my demos, betas, favorites, etc. Just the games in my Library, not downloaded.

Games/DLC bought:
  1. Killzone: Shadow Fall
  2. Infamous: Second Son (collectors Edition)
  3. Hohokum
  4. The Swapper
  5. Rogue Legacy
  6. Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry (DLC version)
  7. Thief
  8. Transistor
  9. Doki Doki Universe (Cross-buy)
  10. Flower
  11. Super Motherload
  12. flOw
  13. Lego Marvel Superheroes
  14. Sound Shapes (Cross-buy)
  15. Outlast: Whistelblower
  16. Counterspy
  17. The Last Tinker: City of Colors
  18. Infamous First Light
  19. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
  20. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
  21. Nidhogg
  22. Home
  23. #Driveclub (Got the whole game free)
Free-to-Play & IGC:
  1. Warframe
  2. Blacklight: Retribution
  3. Contrast
  4. Resogun
  5. Don't Starve
  6. DC Universe Online
  7. Outlast
  8. The Playroom + DLC's
  9. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
  10. Mercenary Kings
  11. Stick it to The Man
  12. Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate
  13. War Thunder
  14. Trine 2: Complete Story
  15. Strider
  16. Towerfall Ascension
  17. Road Not Taken
  18. Fez
  19. Sportsfriends
  20. Velocity 2x
  21. Dust: An Elysian Tale
  22. Spelunky
  23. Pix the Cat
  24. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
  25. Escape Plan
  26. Steamworld Dig

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