Interview Questions Needed - Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1


Staff member
Hey Guys/Girls,

I am going to be sending in some questions for the President of Idea Factory International about Neptunia Re;Birth1 and I was just curious if anyone had any questions about the game they wanted answered. I will be sending these in next week sometime so just let me know.
Here is one,
For someone who hasn't played a Hyperdimension Neptunia game, how would you describe the gameplay?

Will Re;Birth 1 have english voice overs?
Will we get the other neptunia games (or other Idea Factory games) on vita to the west?
What has been improved from the original Hyperdimension Neptunia?

How many party members are there total?

Please bring Noire's spinoff Planet Destroy Black Heart to the west ^^

That's all I got -_-
Why remake the first?
What was their response to the sales numbers of the first?
When making this one, did they take anything that fans requested into account and add said stuff in the game?
I'd love to know how they reacted to the negative comments from the critics for Producing Perfection, and if that affected the development of Re;birth at all.

(between us, most critic sites gave it the hammer, and even Metacritic scores from users aren't that great... interested to see if this will change at all).

I haven't played the game so I have no opinion on it.
I'd love to know how they reacted to the negative comments from the critics for Producing Perfection, and if that affected the development of Re;birth at all.

(between us, most critic sites gave it the hammer, and even Metacritic scores from users aren't that great... interested to see if this will change at all).

I haven't played the game so I have no opinion on it.

Producing Perfection was pretty much a demo/trial version of a full game that doesn't exist. That's the more optimistic look on it...
I'd love to know how they reacted to the negative comments from the critics for Producing Perfection, and if that affected the development of Re;birth at all.

(between us, most critic sites gave it the hammer, and even Metacritic scores from users aren't that great... interested to see if this will change at all).

I haven't played the game so I have no opinion on it.

You didn't miss anything.. but sadly I had already sent in the questions before you posted this :( But I would venture a guess that it didn't affect the development of Re;Birth1 at all.
No problem!

Having said that, is there hope that Re;Birth1 will be better? I'm not familiar with the franchise but I'm interested in the concept.

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