Is Freedom Wars worth buying?

I would say it is worth buying, as long as you don't mind a lot of grinding with minimal story at times. I mean, the story is there but it isn't overly memorable.
Is it any good? Does anybody play it and is it worth buying?
I thought the first, say, 10-15 hours were fascinating and the rest was a so-so grind.

But hey, since a lot of games end after 15 hours, maybe that's great.
Your comment reminds me of another game,
The only thing that makes Destiny playable is the fact that other people are playing it. I borrowed it and...

It's Borderlands but without good gear and without comedy, and without any good story elements.

But it looks pretty.

And it's made by Bungee. Only 3 things that saved it. Bungee made a pretty game that you get to look at with 2 other people to break up the fact that there's no story, as you perpetually grind for slight upgrades to your guns rather than a crazy arsenal.
The only thing that makes Destiny playable is the fact that other people are playing it. I borrowed it and...

It's Borderlands but without good gear and without comedy, and without any good story elements.

But it looks pretty.

And it's made by Bungee. Only 3 things that saved it. Bungee made a pretty game that you get to look at with 2 other people to break up the fact that there's no story, as you perpetually grind for slight upgrades to your guns rather than a crazy arsenal.

I definitely preffered bl 2 cuz of it's over all humor and fun.

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