Let's get rage talk. what is your favorite swear


PSLS Level: Bronze
here is your periodic table of swearing
I like to be creative and let out a string of curses that would make me ps3 cry.
I don't generally let out too many swears. I let my actions speak louder than my words. :p

I generally have a scowl on my face when I'm in a normal mindset. When I get mad, it goes from scowl to one of those looks that, when you see the person, you know their on a mission to beat the shit out of something. Something like this :mad:
I don't generally let out too many swears. I let my actions speak louder than my words. :p

I generally have a scowl on my face when I'm in a normal mindset. When I get mad, it goes from scowl to one of those looks that, when you see the person, you know their on a mission to beat the shit out of something. Something like this :mad:

I only get that look when I feel like the ai in a fighting game got cheap!
Reached a new rage record for myself sadly.
Got pissed off playing final fantasy....... Snapped my controller in half and swore because of the game and the break.

LUCKILY!!! i had a spare!

Reached a new rage record for myself sadly.
Got pissed off playing final fantasy....... Snapped my controller in half and swore because of the game and the break.

LUCKILY!!! i had a spare!

i remember that happening a lot with battletoads. but less snapping more throwing of the controller
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i remember that happening a lot with battletoads. but less snapping more throwing of the controller

Throwing is what i normally do, or i just repeatedly throw a fit lol
You think they have anger management for gamers?
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Throwing what i normally do or just repeatedly throwing a fit lol
You think they have anger management for gamers?

I'm pretty sure that somewhere out there, there is someone studying "anger management for gamers".
what final fantasy were you playing anyway?
I'm pretty sure that somewhere out there, there is someone studying "anger management for gamers".
what final fantasy were you playing anyway?

Both confused the hell outta me, literally gave me a headache.
All are pretty well integrated into my normal vocabulary, I don't really notice when I cuss anymore or when other people do. Except around children, then I watch my mouth.
I probably use fuck the most, it's so versatile.
All are pretty well integrated into my normal vocabulary, I don't really notice when I cuss anymore or when other people do. Except around children, then I watch my mouth.
I probably use fuck the most, it's so versatile.
fuck is probably the most useful word i have ever used.
I save that for some reeeeaaaallllyyy choice moments. I curse like a sailor most other times, so I have to keep the secret weapon at bay to drop the atom bomb.
It's my wife's favorite word, too, so it is not uncommon to hear the word a few times per day in my house.

Me: "What's wrong with Molly?" (one of my cats)
Her: "Nothing. She's just being a cunt."
Well according to the table and my research I use 19 and 74 very regularly, But with a bit more research I believe we will discovered that there a few more atomic numbers that need to be added between 1-102.

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