Favorite NFL Team

claass!!! Glad you joined bro! :)
You don't like Dalton? Or you just feel he doesn't get the job done?
I like Dalton, liked him when was QB at TCU. Not elite like you said, but good. I'd put him in the same class as Flacco for the Ravens.
I like Dalton, I have nothing against him. At the time I actually thought he could challenge Cam Newton as the best QB from that draft. He has shown he can play well, especially at home. But when he is off, he is awful. I don't think he can put a run together like Flacco did to win the Super Bowl, although similar talent level.
Steelers fan here. Lived in Western PA most of my life with the exception of grad school, so it was pretty much inevitable.
Steelers fan since I can remember. I'm from Maryland so technically I guess the Ravens should be my team, but hell I remember when they were still the Browns and I've just never really been much of a fan.
I'm from Canada and it's cold here so i guess i have to say New England would be my favorite team since they play in snow
Being from Ark. with no team, we kind of adopted the Cowboys as our team I guess you could say. Not everybody though. Lol

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