Name that Game Competition #2 - A free code!

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Staff member
So here we are for round two of this contest. This time however, it won't be a $20 PSN card (sorry we are broke), however you will get a free game out of it. Just like the first game, an image will be posting everyday revealing more of a box art (PlayStation only) and it is up to you to figure it out. Rules below, enjoy.

  1. The thread will be closed each day at 12AM EST and reopen for new guesses at 9AM EST when the image is updated.
  2. You can only post your guesses once per day (per new image reveal posted). Any additional answers will not be counted.
  3. You may not edit your guess once it has been posted. Any edits made to your posts will disqualify you.

Here it is!

Boo! They already got it... Didn't even see the thread to up.

And that's how I learned to watch a sub-forum... lol
is that game came to US? if not that unfair it's hard enough remember the us versions and now the jp and euro too? xD

ps. congrats to the winner xD

ps2. well they're wrong the name is Tombi! not Tomba xD
So here we are for round two of this contest. This time however, it won't be a $20 PSN card (sorry we are broke), however you will get a free game out of it. Just like the first game, an image will be posting everyday revealing more of a box art (PlayStation only) and it is up to you to figure it out. Rules below, enjoy.

  1. The thread will be closed each day at 12AM EST and reopen for new guesses at 9AM EST when the image is updated.
  2. You can only post your guesses once per day (per new image reveal posted). Any additional answers will not be counted.
  3. You may not edit your guess once it has been posted. Any edits made to your posts will disqualify you.

Here it is!

So here we are for round two of this contest. This time however, it won't be a $20 PSN card (sorry we are broke), however you will get a free game out of it. Just like the first game, an image will be posting everyday revealing more of a box art (PlayStation only) and it is up to you to figure it out. Rules below, enjoy.

  1. The thread will be closed each day at 12AM EST and reopen for new guesses at 9AM EST when the image is updated.
  2. You can only post your guesses once per day (per new image reveal posted). Any additional answers will not be counted.
  3. You may not edit your guess once it has been posted. Any edits made to your posts will disqualify you.

Here it is!

tomba Japanese cover
Damn i'm upset i saw that soo late! First thing i thought when i saw it was "That's got to be Tomba!" and behold...
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