

PSLS Level: Newbie
Does any one still enjoy the NES?? I just started getting back in to a few months back and this is what I have.

NES system has been opened cleaned and New 72 pin installed

Mystery Quest (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy
Paper Boy (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy
Who Framed Rodger Rabbit (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy
Wheel Of Fortune (CIB off getting graded)
M.C. Kids
Dr. Mario
Top Gun
Top Gun The Second Mission
Supper C
Super Mario
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Mega Man (1-6) (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy's
World Class Track Meet
Duck Hunt

This web page has a lot going for it!
Nintendo Repair Shop
I have ordered all of my repair stuff though them and some other stuff as well, Great place!
Does any one still enjoy the NES?? I just started getting back in to a few months back and this is what I have.

NES system has been opened cleaned and New 72 pin installed

Mystery Quest (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy
Paper Boy (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy
Who Framed Rodger Rabbit (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy
Wheel Of Fortune (CIB off getting graded)
M.C. Kids
Dr. Mario
Top Gun
Top Gun The Second Mission
Supper C
Super Mario
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Mega Man (1-6) (CIB off getting graded) also a play copy's
World Class Track Meet
Duck Hunt

This web page has a lot going for it!
Nintendo Repair Shop
I have ordered all of my repair stuff though them and some other stuff as well, Great place!
Nice! My mom has my old NES and other old consoles. Her Sega Genesis stopped working, so she got a Hyperkin Retron 3 to play her old NES / SNES / Genesis games. I don't remember what the official count is, but she has A LOT of video games to play; at least 20-30 of each console.

Which Mega Man game is your favorite? I always loved playing Mega Man 3 when I was a kid. Oh, and Dr. Chaos was pretty cool, too. I still have my NES copy of Final Fantasy floating around somewhere.
i like 3 and 5 the best! and i still have all of my old systems back at my parents house in new york lol. i mean every thing ha. i would love to get my hands on Final Fantasy.
I still have my NES but I haven't really gone back to playing it. I always enjoyed the GI Joe game.
Oh mine is still hooked up and working. It is downstairs with the SNES alongside it. I'll often take a break from the current gen and head downstairs to enjoy the best of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras.
Man, I would kill to have my NES (and SNES) back, and all my games as well, but they were stolen (along with everything else I had) from my storage unit a few years ago. If I had still had them I would play them pretty often! I just replaced my N64, SNES is next on the list, and then NES.
Just need to decide which games to get for them first :3
Man, I would kill to have my NES (and SNES) back, and all my games as well, but they were stolen (along with everything else I had) from my storage unit a few years ago. If I had still had them I would play them pretty often! I just replaced my N64, SNES is next on the list, and then NES.
Just need to decide which games to get for them first :3
Sorry to here that. You can find them on cregslist often and pretty cheep as for games eBay is your friend!

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