One Piece Unlimited World (PS VITA) Personal Screen Shots


PSLS Level: Bronze
i just started the game and it looks and feels good to play with. there is no difference between the cut scene images and gameplay.
gameplay runs fine, barely no lag at all.
camera angles can get dizzying sometimes when you go for a boost when swinging from building to building. i just started the game but from what i can tell, you wouldn't feel left out if you're not watching the anime.
and here are some screen shots.

I'm glad the Vita looks that good, I would've gotten it instead of the PS3 version but I'll always pick physical over digital. Seems like the kind of game that I would abuse the screenshot function over, even if the watermark is a bit unsightly
I'm glad the Vita looks that good, I would've gotten it instead of the PS3 version but I'll always pick physical over digital. Seems like the kind of game that I would abuse the screenshot function over, even if the watermark is a bit unsightly
it's available on physical. and yeah they could have at least made the watermark a little more subtle
it's available on physical. and yeah they could have at least made the watermark a little more subtle
ah well when I went to GameStop they only had the PS3 version, I guess Vita came later but I seem to remember hearing that some versions in the US were digital only.
In NA the retail version is GameStop exclusive IIRC. They may have not gotten any nonpreorder/limited sold out. My Danganronpa copy that I bought in February was the only copy they had. (They had no idea what the game was lol)
ah well when I went to GameStop they only had the PS3 version, I guess Vita came later but I seem to remember hearing that some versions in the US were digital only.
^^ This. PS3 version came out last week. Vita version came out this week. I got an email ad about the game from them, so I preordered it to get the retail copy / bonuses.

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