Out There (iOS game)


PSLS Level: Newbie
So I just downloaded this game to my iPhone the other day and I love it. It's good for short burst gaming sessions but also longer ones. If they could flesh this game it some more, it would be perfect for a Vita game. Maybe add some actual planet exploration, customizable character, etc... Anyone else have this game? If so, what are your thoughts?
So I just downloaded this game to my iPhone the other day and I love it. It's good for short burst gaming sessions but also longer ones. If they could flesh this game it some more, it would be perfect for a Vita game. Maybe add some actual planet exploration, customizable character, etc... Anyone else have this game? If so, what are your thoughts?
I picked it up a while back. It's awesome. Reminds me of FTL on Steam in some ways. Definitely worthy of checking out.
I've never played FTL because my computer is terrible but I've heard great things about it. If the game could get more content shahid might get it on Vita. He's great at getting indies.

Also, what endings have you gotten? I've got the one with the judges or whatever they're called. That's all though.
I've never played FTL because my computer is terrible but I've heard great things about it. If the game could get more content shahid might get it on Vita. He's great at getting indies.

Also, what endings have you gotten? I've got the one with the judges or whatever they're called. That's all though.
I honestly am not sure I have gotten an ending at all then haha. I have ran out of materials more than anything. But that's probably because I try to visit all the areas, which is probably a mistake. :p
You pretty much have to stay on the move at all times looking for fuel. At least until you can upgrade your ship enough to where it consumes less resources. As far as endings, I think there at least has to be 3 or 4. I've gotten one but seen 3 on the map.
Is this like Homeworld for PC? I loved that game. Never beat it; ridiculously difficult game to finish.
Is this like Homeworld for PC? I loved that game. Never beat it; ridiculously difficult game to finish.
Never played Homeworld, so idk. But the game starts you over and over and the surroundings are randomly generated. You are attempting to get to a specific location, and must keep track of your fuel, ship conditions, and oxygen as you work your way through the game. Tons of factors will cause those three things to decrease rapidly if you are not careful.
The narrative changes as well. Little bits of text and a system slightly reminiscent of a "choose your own adventure" make each time you play it different. It's a good little game.
The narrative changes as well. Little bits of text and a system slightly reminiscent of a "choose your own adventure" make each time you play it different. It's a good little game.
That's what I like about it. It's different every time I play it :D
I haven't played it sadly. I just don't really like PC gaming. My laptop is pretty bad anyways, but I'm not a fan of keyboard/mouse combo also. It's supposed to come to ps4/vita so I was trying to hold off to get it then. Is it as great as everyone says?
I haven't played it sadly. I just don't really like PC gaming. My laptop is pretty bad anyways, but I'm not a fan of keyboard/mouse combo also. It's supposed to come to ps4/vita so I was trying to hold off to get it then. Is it as great as everyone says?
Oh definitely. It's Terraria meets Mass Effect. Everything is random. If it comes to PS4 and Vita I would be more than ecstatic.

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