Pocket RPG coming to Vita 25th November


PSLS Level: Bronze
Well, it's been announced that yet another mobile game will make it to Vita. This time it's Pocket RPG, a game that has had success on iOS and Android platforms.

I'm actually excited about this one, to be honest. I like light-hearted RPGs (or RPG-lites), and this seems like it fits the bill quite nicely.

It seems to be a decent dungeon crawler a-la mini-Diablo which can get some of the steam that would have gone to Fantasy Hero otherwise.

However, I'm scared (as usual, considering my constantly shrinking budget), that we'll get ripped off because it's a Vita port.

Pocket RPG costs $2 across its current platforms, and I'll be pretty pissed off if it costs more than $5 on Vita upon launch.

Sadly, though, if the past is any indication, we're probably looking at around $10 for this game. Which would mean a 500% increase on price for the Vita.

I hope I'm wrong. Also, am I the only one excited about this little game? It looks fun.
I've actually been talking to the devs on this and might have news and maybe even a review eventually!

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